Shawano County

Since the majority of Shawano Co trails opened (was really waiting for 3A actually) we ventured out Saturday and went through Bowler, Wittenberg, Birnamwood, and back. Of course the Mountain Bay and Wiouwash were great. Plenty of snow and flat. The side trails could definitely use more snow, however. For the most part there was enough, but definitely thin in plenty of areas with leaves showing through. There was only one time I had to pull over due to high engine temp (my sled is studded too.) The cold weather had the snow pretty hard though, as well. Hats off to the local clubs doing what they can with what is there. Was nice to get out again on more than just an old RR grade. The snow forecasted for yesterday afternoon was mostly a bust and it appears Tuesday has been downgraded for these areas as well. Hopefully, that's not the case, but if it is, I will probably venture elsewhere in search of more snow.