Dear God, we thank you for your goodness towards us, and for sending us your Son Jesus. Thank you for my family and friends. Thank you for my wife for allowing me to buy another sled (or two). Thank you for allowing me to get away with the family (or the guys). Thank you for your loving kindness, grace and mercy.
Now, Lord - about the lack of snow and lack of cold temperatures. We humbly ask that you would cover most of Wisconsin & the U.P. with a horrific snow storm, the likes of which we have not seen in fifty years, accompanied by extreme and devastating low temperatures.
Freeze up thy lakes oh God, and all thy waterways. Spare the cities from harm dear Lord, but blast the countryside into next Tuesday with your fury. Pour out your wrath in a mighty display of howling wind and deep fresh snow.
We thank you in advance oh God, for your mercies. We all promise, and covenant with you oh God, to be better husbands, and better fathers. We promise to be more generous, drink a little less beer (maybe), and be more forgiving with our friends and neighbors.
We also promise God, to ride safe and sober this winter... for real ...