Sick of El Niño?


New member
From the article -- "In the U.S., the biggest El Niño impacts are expected in early 2016, NASA said." usual....the title is just a tad misleading?

It's here already isn't it?

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Don't know what happened. Maybe NASA is po'd at me?


The report says that the last time it was this bad was 1997?? I remember that year... We were building the River Valley State Bank in Tomahawk that winter. We had to clean out the snow at least every other day. We got discount meals at McDonald because it was below zero for so many days in a row. And, oh yeah, we had a few days off to ride because the wind was so bad that it blew the trusses over!! Come on El Nino!!


Active member
1997 was our second snowiest winter of all time in Eau Claire Wisconsin. I was reading an article from the local weatherman that stated of the last six strongest El Nino events since 1950 have produced three of our top 10 snowiest winters but has also produced our warmest winters. So I'm going to assume it all has to do with where the jet stream sets up on a given year. So it would appear a strong el nino isn't always a death sentence for snow.


Just looking at historical temps for this area we are a solid 10 degrees above average for daytime highs and nighttime lows. They are forecasting no below zero nighttime lows for the next 2 weeks here. Historically the next three weeks are the coldest of the year here. Not happening. We have about 6 inches of snow on the ground with no new snow in the two week forecast. After Jan the sun gains a lot of power at this latitude. Enough so that snow and ice will melt on a sunshiny 20 degree day. It has the makings of a low mileage year.


New member
It has the makings of a low mileage year.

It's already a low mileage year for me and I don't think it'll get better anytime soon, or even this season.

By now I usually have on well over 1000 miles on the sled and 50 hours in the groomer. This year? -- 265 on the sled and 0 in the groomer.