Ski doo 1+1 seat


New member
I am thinking of getting a seat for a back passenger for my 08 ski doo renegade SDI. It has a XP chasis. it appears there are a couple different styles. Does anybody have any experience with these? Is is one style better than another?


Active member
My dad has one for his 06 rev. It comes in handy so often. It doesn't have a seat back, but does have handles, and is extremely useful if an extra person tags along. My parents are on the smaller side so they are both able to ride together on it, but its best use would be for kids. It can be a little tricky getting it to come off in the super cold weather, but I would totally get one.


my old mans got one on his renegade backcountry. As SledTL stated it comes in handy and is really easy to remove/put on. Come in handy when he takes my mom as she doesnt want to go far nor fast... Couple times the wife and I took it out to get dinner and she didnt seem to mind it.


Still waiting to get it on the trail but so far the kids love it. The seat itself is very easy to take on and off. The base that the seat attaches to does not come of very easily which I suppose is a good thing right?

2014-11-03 19.03.06.jpg 2014-11-03 18.38.34.jpg


New member
Thanks to all who responded. sounds like some positive feedback. now I just need to decide whether I can find a decent used or suck it up and buy a new one.


New member
I have two of them on my rev, the kids loved them. Just remember that with the extra weight back there the skis like to come up. Although my girls liked to ride wheelies.
I bought both of them used and looking at what they are selling for I think I'll be able to get my money back if I ever sell them.