skidoo slides


New member
Other then pulling the suspension out is there a easier way of replacing the slides with out doing damage to the track ? Talking about a 2006 rev. Thanks
I always lub them with dish soap and pull them thru the track window turn them corner to corner in the window..No track damage..Also have used a slide hammer but can easily be done with out it.


In addition to what Snowfreak indicates, if your sled has reverse, pull the slides out through the window a couple of inches, then run the sled in reverse real slow and it will peel the slides right off. It's pretty slick.


New member
Ditto to both above.... The trick is get the track off the ground and turn the track untill the slider lines up with the hole in the track, it can sometimes be a bitch to get it started, but it will
Fit through, then hammer untill there is enough slider coming out the end to pull off, or put in reverse and they slide right out.
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Well-known member
In addition to what Snowfreak indicates, if your sled has reverse, pull the slides out through the window a couple of inches, then run the sled in reverse real slow and it will peel the slides right off. It's pretty slick.

have u done this?
what happens to hyfax dose it pull up in to tunnel?
I am willing to give it a shot just want to know what to expect.
do you just go rev or do you go rev then hold hyfax and go forward a inch then rev again?


Yes, I have done this. You need to have the back of the sled elevated. The hyfax just pushs out of the window. As the window rotates back, the hyfax keeps pushing out, straight down. Once the window gets close to the front of the sled, stop and just yank the hyfax out. Works pretty slick. I've never seen it get pushed up into the tunnel.


New member
Take a 3/8 inch drill bit and heat it till red and burn a half circle in ur track holes
soap up the holes/windows
take a chisel / screwdriver and hammer and start pounding the hyfax towards the holes..don't damage rail
once the hyfax has extended past rear of the rail drill a hole through it
use a stiff wire (spring tool) and hook in the hole and yank it out
when putting in the new ones...drill ur hole first for next time