My brother getting his 7 month old started early!
S Skylar Super Moderator Staff member Nov 26, 2011 #1 My brother getting his 7 month old started early!
F Firecatguy New member Nov 26, 2011 #2 right on kimmer....I still remeber my pops taking me on my first ride.....
Admin Administrator Staff member Nov 26, 2011 #3 Looks like he is getting ready to go wrong foot forward on the right side. Awesome. -John
D doospunk Active member Nov 26, 2011 #4 Good job Kimmer! How old is he now? He looks bigger than I would have guessed. Can never start em soon enough.
Good job Kimmer! How old is he now? He looks bigger than I would have guessed. Can never start em soon enough.
C cuzzinolaf Well-known member Nov 26, 2011 #5 Nice! I can tell Kimmer can't wait until he can ride it just by the smile on his face.
K kimmer New member Nov 26, 2011 #6 He's 7 months now. They sure grow fast, I was trying to talk him in doing a superman, but he laughed at me and said not yet dad i'm still kinda small but mabe next year.
He's 7 months now. They sure grow fast, I was trying to talk him in doing a superman, but he laughed at me and said not yet dad i'm still kinda small but mabe next year.
K krupps_resort New member Nov 26, 2011 #7 WOW-can't believe he is 7 mo old already. Looks like Kimmer has taken to daddyhood just fine-and looks a bit proud in this pic.
WOW-can't believe he is 7 mo old already. Looks like Kimmer has taken to daddyhood just fine-and looks a bit proud in this pic.
Y yamahauler Active member Nov 26, 2011 #8 Very cool. I did notice the two sets of crutches, yikes, lol