Sled across Lake Gogebic


Well-known member
We have some of the "cleanest" ice I have seen for quite some time around our region. There was no wind or snow to make most of the lakes get cloudy ice. Most of our lakes and ponds are like skating rinks. It could make for a very good ice season. Most of the snow will just blow across once we get the snow.


Well-known member
The bottom line is it is not worth it. Years ago I was on Gogebic with a few friends and we hit some slush, I swore I would never go out on tha lake again. And yes it was January and cold. No thanks

Slush does not mean bad ice. Ice moves all the time and creates cracks in the ice. If you have lots of snow on top of the ice it pushes down and water comes up through the cracks and mixes with the bottom layer of snow and makes slush. The snow on top of the slush insulates it so it does not refreeze. You could have 3 plus feet of good ice and still have slush on top.


Active member
Slush and lots of it can get you in trouble real quick in Winter.
3, 2 or 1 foot of ice - doesnt matter. Most require WOT back out, along with a few standup bounces and more WOT.
Slush does not mean bad ice. Ice moves all the time and creates cracks in the ice. If you have lots of snow on top of the ice it pushes down and water comes up through the cracks and mixes with the bottom layer of snow and makes slush. The snow on top of the slush insulates it so it does not refreeze. You could have 3 plus feet of good ice and still have slush on top.

You r exactly right. Most think slush means open water. It's unnerving but usually slush is safe on LG, just don't park over sled in it overnite
WOW! I dont check the board for a couple days and I am famous! HA!

In my Opinion, by the way, THE ICE IS NOT SAFE. I would not suggest anyone to ride on Gogebic until at least the 15th depending on weather.

@chad@m&M - yes you have told me that.
