SledHead Basket Raffle


Well-known member
Didn't win but still feel really good about contributing. The photo the family really brings it home. I'm thinking I take way too much for granted.
THANKS to ALL the John Dee members for helping out!

and skiroule.... your right, can't take anything for granted, especially time with your loved ones.
UPDATE: between the local fundraiser thrown by his family and my raffle the total proceeds raised for Mark & his family were $19960

Woo Hoo!

I haven't seen Marks spirits this high in a long time. He was very overwhelmed and the support brought him to tears. He feels very humbled by this experience and says THANK YOU to all who helped.
Spent the evening with my buddy Mark and his wife. He is doing really well. Still has some physical restrictions but his personality was the old Mark I used to know. Just plain awesome to see him his old self again.