Slight bog issue


Well-known member
Figured i might as well just ask before the snow flies. I figure it just needs new fuel run thru it and possibly a new fuel filter... but... this is about my 99 poo xc 700. I start it up, idles fine and whatnot. I give it some gas, doesn't bog at all, but when i let up on the throttle, it bogs down and almost shuts off but doesn't and goes back up to idle speed (2200 rpms) it doesn't do this everytime i let off the throttle. As of right now, it's jetted stock.


New member
Hey Indy, I'm not familiar with the Poo lineup, was that EFI or carbed? I'm sure you know where I'm goin' already. If carbed, clean em up, and yes, start out with some clean fresh fuel. Syphon or drain the stuff that's in it now before running it anymore. Clean the carbs, then add an ounce of Seafoam to your first tank to help clean out the fuel system.


Well-known member
it's carbed, and i did clean em. Anybody else ever have this problem? i did drain the gas and there's barely any in the tank, possibly only getting half gas/ half air since there ain't much left?
Indy i had the same problem with same sled ....drained gas put new fuel filter on and good as new! that's what worked for me anyway!
seemed to be clean but sprayed some carb cleaner in em anyways

Indy- Cleaning carbs (although they may seem to look clean) sometimes involves more than just "carb cleaner". They need to be broke down and put in carb dip at times because they do have areas that can not be seen. Also keep in mind that every so often you need to replace the fuel pump diaphrams. After time they stretch out and don't "pump" the gas like they do when the diaphrams are tight. Also todays gas with the ethinol in it weakens the rubber, which in turn makes the diaphrams stretch as well. So long story short...sometimes just a carb clean is not the answer. Good Luck.


New member
Is this on a jack stand and you rev it and when you let up
it stumbles and returns to idle?
You may have nothing wrong, it could just be the
engine and pipe are not hot and you have a rich stumble
as the track is pushing the engine while the slides are shut.


Well-known member
Is this on a jack stand and you rev it and when you let up
it stumbles and returns to idle?
You may have nothing wrong, it could just be the
engine and pipe are not hot and you have a rich stumble
as the track is pushing the engine while the slides are shut.

yup that's what's happening, i'm putting on new fuel filters either way, they're onlly $2


Well-known member
got the new filter on, now i'm just taking my die grinder to all the holes i dimple died in my running boards, my 1/2 hp 8 gal. 50 yr. old compressor can't keep up with the die grinder!!!