Smile your Government is Watching You !!!


New member
High-tech eyes in the sky are being used creatively by government officials, raising privacy concerns from civil libertarians and others.

At issue is the use of images from satellites in orbit or sophisticated aerial photography to spot swimming pools or other household buildings or additions.

In Riverhead, N.Y, officials recently used Google Earth to help identify about 250 homes where residents failed to get safety permits for their swimming pools.

Lillie Coney of the Electronic Privacy Information Center fears that other municipalities may be inspired to use Google or other services to check on zoning code violations and other transgressions of local laws.


Well-known member
the cities have been using google earth and city workers to snap picks of houses every few yrs. so if you built a deck addition what ever with out a permit some day prob at your closing when you sell you will prob get the fine.


There is also a lawsuit winding its way through court that suggests a municipality using Google Earth or other sat images is an invasion of privacy. Have to wait to see how it ends up...