Smilies are on


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, when the new board started, the smilies were on, and then somebody put like 40 of them in their signature. John doesn't like clutter on his board, and 40 smilies in a signature, was over doing it, yes?


Well-known member
Well, when the new board started, the smilies were on, and then somebody put like 40 of them in their signature. John doesn't like clutter on his board, and 40 smilies in a signature, was over doing it, yes?

Smile allotments???:D:D:b
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New member
I just love it when people :cool: makes the world a better place to live in. Love, Luck and :) are good THINK SNOW!!!!!!! to or if we have to THINK STEAK on the grill soon with a cold one at the end of a long hard day


Well-known member

Well, doesn't that just beat all, what has taken so long?! :mad: I was wondering when we would get to show some facial expressions :p I can't believe it's taken so long for this ;):D This is going to take some time to get use to, I feel like I have two left hands :eek: I guess I'll figure it out one day :) if not, oh well :( I think I can :confused: maybe :rolleyes: oh yeah, no sweat :cool: ding, fries are done! :eek: Saweet!-Mezz
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Well-known member
Great now when they turn them off we can blame it on Mezz:rolleyes:

:eek: Ok, you won't see that again, I just wanted to try my hand at each one, 11 in total. At least I didn't put up 14 smilies like Indy did:p When I get a new toy, I have to play with it.-Mezz