Smoking a Turkey Tomorrow...



important question.........did you eat it, how did it taste?


New member
lol.<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> was done all right. I had injected it and it was super moist. All the temps were good, the color was perfect. Turkey for the week now.



Active member
Too much turkey, and it will follow you into next week.
Hey how about a live cam next time. "Watch My Turkey Cook"



New member
I am smokin another one today.... i have some bugs to work out.. either I have a lot of heat...or no heat but A LOT of


New member
Here is my homemade set up..



New member
that is about the same setup I have, mine is a 100lb. propane tank on its side and a 20lb. tank for the stove. on the top you should have two holes about 2 inch in diameter. That is how I made mine, then I welded a piece of pipe into each hole so it has stacks for the smoke to go out of. With the stacks there is more air flow and the fire stays going a bit better. nice looking smoker though. Now I am making a new one out of a 275 gal. oil tank, hopefully in about a month or so.


New member
Qoute by bkboats "I am smokin another one today.... i have some bugs to work out.. either I have a lot of heat...or no heat but A LOT of" Just looking at your setup there, I think you could use a stack about three feet in height. It will help draw both heat and smoke into your main chamber. Use a cover on it as a flue to regulate the heat. I don't know if you have a thermometer on the main chamber, but that would make things convenient also.


New member
Think of smoke as like salt. A little enhances the taste. Too much renders the food unpalatable.