Sno Cross eliminated from X Games?? WTH??


New member
Terriable news! Had to be a financialy driven decision, this is also a blow for sno-X. For me, this was the most exciting sno-x race for sure. I do like attending the Lake Geneva Finale, but the WinterX is in a league of its own


This sucks to hear! I love to watch Sno Cross, pretty much the only thing of X-Games I did watch.

I wonder how much of this is being pushed for Shaun White and the snowboarding activities.


Active member
This really sucks. Sno-x is the only reason I ever watched the X-Games. Watching ramp tramps do the same tricks over and over again just doesn't do it for me. :(


Lame! I agree with snoluver1...freestyle was fun to watch when it first started, but now it is the same stuff every year with slight variation. I am a skiier and snowboarder so I will continue to watch, but will be disappointed that snoX will not be in the line-up. It was my fave!


Active member
"complex and not tied strictly to budgets" was the quote from the article. Well, feel free to pony up a little more info.

Bigdaddy went to the Lake Geneva finale last year - forgot why me and the kids couldn't go.

And we'll still watch because of the snowboarders and skiiers in this house...but if we all missed all of that we never miss the snowmobile stuff.


Well-known member
ISOC is broke attendance is way down guys not getting payed for wins at smaller races was only a matter of time.I'm more surprised snowmobile jumping/ballerina is still so strong never understood the whole gymnastics on motor vehicle thing.
lots of the kids I know are turning to x country. I for 1 hope it makes a big come back allot more closely related to real sledding than sno x.
don't get me wrong I still like sno x heck I wrench on one weekly.


New member
this is crazy and so disappointing. My first thought was that it had something to do with Hibbert whuppin up on everybody else all the time.


"SnoCross, which exploded in popularity in the mid-'90s, dominated competitive snowmobiling for decades before the freestyle discipline began to grow in the early and mid-2000s. Ironically, before Freestyle debuted at the X Games in 2007, many freestylers struggled to gain industry support because so much focus was given to the racers. Now, at least at the X Games, the opposite is true".

How many decades were there between the mid 90s and the early to mid 2000s?


Well-known member
I am speechless, what a disappointment! I truely enjoy watching that event, now, I will be less likely to watch Winter X as the SnoCross was my attraction point. IMO, the sponsors, race teams & the Manufacture's should appeal to the Games committee to put it back. Racers are Racers, Freestylists are Freestylists. If they don't think the SnoCrossers have struggled, they need to think again. This is an event that most strive to get to though their season, to be the Best of the Best & on National Television. What better exposure for the industry as a whole than to have it displayed in that forum.-Mezz


New member
Like many forms of racing it has gotten very expensive to
compete and the fans have lost interest.
Now, have a local radar run and look at the crowds and number of participants.


Well-known member
you think it is cheep to be competitive at drag racing think again.
I also help out on some very competitive drag sleds. 1 world record holder. those things cost 4x or better what a sno x sled has in it and hundreds more hours.I quit trying to play in my local sand box a few yrs ago when you needed to toss 8k in to a fire cat just to be competitive on plowed roads on the lake around my be very carfule before tossing money out on a race around lk minnetonka lots of deep pockets with some bad toys.
sad part is most of the sponsors /graphics/ gear/my buds kid gets have him signed to 5yr deals in hopes to have there name on tv at x games some is just going to get harder to get sponsors and will be 1 more motor sport unattainable for the masses to compete in


New member
Trust me I know how expensive drag racing is and was referring to people
radaring their trail sleds for bragging rights not formal race sleds.