Hmmm...I don't know of anywhere in Wisconsin that showed up when I checked a few months back. The only place I found to rent one was in Traverse City, MI and he was willing to bring it out to Gaylord for us if we wanted to rent it to take it to the U.P. This guy had bought it for his family and when they no longer used it, he's been renting it out for $85 per day. We want to take our 22 month old granddaughter with us for a day trip so we'll be renting it at some point this winter if there is ever enough of the white stuff.
The guy suggested that she wear a bike helmet over her hat. A couple years ago at the MSA Ride-In there was a family who owned one. They buckled car seats into it for the kids.... seems like a great way to do it and I am hoping when we take Addy, it will work out ok to put her car seat in (or borrow one so I don't have to take the darn thing out of the truck!!)
I've even gone so far as to search Google and Craigslist for a used one... but they are pricey for an occasional trip with the grandbabies. Might be worth it to look into a used one since you have 2 kiddies and they belong to you. It would be a sound investment provided you used it for a few years, I'd think!
If I hear of any out there, I'll come back and post here!
Mrs. Russholio (who has her own sign in but never takes the time to sign out of Russ's!)