snow picks


Well-known member
IMG_20171101_160650011.jpg IMG_20171101_160659246.jpg I was in Winona MN last night and it was turning white. Met a snowplow turning onto I90. Spreading salt no less.... Road was getting slushy but come on man...


Well-known member
I wasnt aware MN actually plowed I-90, let alone use salt.

Or maybe they just run out of salt for I-90 by January......

Your kidding right? They don't plow it cause they melt it! The amount of salt MNDOT uses is insane!


Active member
Your kidding right? They don't plow it cause they melt it! The amount of salt MNDOT uses is insane!

I guess we've just been unlikely. Its usually a ice skating rink with drifts going across all lanes when we go. Usually go through at night.


There is nothing to stop the snow blowing there except the salt. If the would just plow and sand the snow would just blow across it.