Snowmobile Helmet of the Future


Staff member
Nice, but I have a few questions.

1) Will it accept Mohawks?

2) Can you wear it while stand-up riding?

3) Can it interpret hand signals from other riders?



I'll take 3, what might my bill be, $1699 plus tax,,,,seriously, some will like it and rightfully so, kinda cool


Well-known member
yeah pretty cool. Would be kind of neat to have a GPS heads up display to help navigate the trails when your at new places, no more pulling out the maps all the time. The GPS system could also act like a emergency responder if you are in an accident, kind of like a car that automatically sends out a distress signal. its just the tip of the iceberg for technology!


Well-known member
nice but I looked it up $1400 a pop but they do offer financing. yeah think I may hold off a few yrs


Well-known member
I have been thinking alot that past few years about what a helmet could offer beyond being a noggin gaurd.
Figure wireless tunes and built in camera would be sweet for starters and could be done for alot less than this gadget....why do i need to see them skidoos I just passed on my rearview anyway?.


Well-known member
I don't know. I'd rather leave that stuff behind and enjoy the sport of snowmobiling.


nice but I looked it up $1400 a pop but they do offer financing. yeah think I may hold off a few yrs

yea, but think how cool all your friends will think you are when you wear that bad boy


Well-known member
just what we need is more distractions for people that don't know how to stay on their side of the trail anyway.


Well-known member
the rear view camera alone could potentially save a few crashes when some take their eyes of the trail to look back. I'm usually leading and this feature would be very nice.