Snowmobile jump on Tonight show.


Active member
Levi LeValle Riding a Polaris 600 jumped on the Tonight Show. Jay was interested in the power to weight ratio. They showed his double back flip from the x games and a bunch of practice in the foam pit.
His jump on the show was over some christmas village they had set up in the parking lot. When he started the sled he was not far from Jays desk where they sit for the interviews. He did immediately drive out a side door.

Over all I thought it was pretty cool.


Well-known member
Thanks to Ronder for the heads up on this too. Watched it last night. It was pretty cool and he comes off as a really nice guy. Refreshing change from the usual prima donnas. I'm sure all of Longville was watching.

Deleted member 10829

I enjoyed it too! He does seem like a good guy and acted very young to me. How old is he? Very cool how he rode off the set and back on to it. I like the comedian that was on before him and the band that played after him. Good show for Leno!


New member
XCSP,... Thank You for posting that link!
I had to go to bed early and forgot to DVR it.

3 years back (when I was a radio host) He was at our local Polaris
dealership in Marinette,.... and I got (along with a bunch of others) to hang
with him for a whole Saturday. I did "Live" spots with him and we both
had each other laughing in stitches,...
Was a Very Cool person.
After the event was over, some of us just hung around and told snowmobile
stories. At that time, he was the Defending SnowCross champ I believe,...
and I asked him what it was like. He basically said he couldn't believe how
blessed he was to be living every snowmobilers dream. (and getting paid for it). He Never takes what he does for granted,... and enjoys every second of it. (even if it means having to hang with dudes like me,.... in the middle of no-where.) :)


I had to laugh when he talked about the little wheeler his Dad got him when he was 4 , He was already crazy , Man I feel old now


Well-known member
(even if it means having to hang with dudes like me,.... in the middle of no-where.) :)
he is from the middle of no where he lives buy my cabin if you want to see him just go to the Anchorage on any given sat when no races and look down.
funny thing is I have seen him and his posi in the bar many many times and they never arrive on a sled.
must be a bitch to have to live with a morality clause in your contracts.he always looks a bit left out when some of his crew are are out back enjoying the piece pipe