What a perfect jump and to go over 400ft!!! I'm happy for the guy as I'm sure it was tough to get back in the seat and overcome last years jump. I do no think I would want a failed jump on my resume for life.
It was fun to watch. He landed that thing like he just jumped a 10' driveway - perfect.
Long lead-up to the jump. Think I drank about five Red Bulls during the prelims. Glad I didn't have to run mine up on the trailer after watching the program. Might have been a little over-enthusiastic.
Been to San Diego many times but have never felt the need for a stocking cap. Guess I better remember to bring mine next time.
Now don't shoot me for my opinion. That was an impressive jump, no doubt. But, it was a SNOWmobile. Made to run on snow. I would be equally impressed with half that distance on snow.