Snowmobile Trip to Copper Harbor


New member
one year we rode bruce crossing to gay to lac labelle to copper harbor to eagle river to rockland to bergland to ironwood to minoqua. 386 miles in one day. needless to say one guy has never ridden since.


Well-known member
You guys need to keep the silence about Copper. Pretty soon everyone will start going up there. We consider it one of the best areas on Earth. Beautiful and quiet.

Still looking for more places just like it. I find it almost amazing that no one has talked about the weather up there. It can be -20 in Wakefield when we leave in the morning, and be above zero in Copper. The lake does make for nice conditions. It gives a "little snow" and keeps the temps nice.


Well-known member
I agree favoritos - all trails and riding north of Houghton stinks and everyone should stay away from it.


Sorry, I thought we were talking about some other locale!

Seriously, there are a few drawbacks to riding up to Copper Harbor. If you get halfway there and encounter bad trails, you're kind of stuck if you have hotel accomodations in Copper Harbor. (You can't even think of heading up there without reservations.) Also, if you have any mechanical problems, you're quite a ways from your support and you have to get back to Hancock or Calumet for any parts. Last, its a haul from most locales, so you're bound to encounter some grooming issues somewhere along the way.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">marty700</font> said:
<font color="0000ff">"I thought we were talking about some other locale!"</font>
Now I'm not really sure what he meant by that …

I will say this (something I've been tempted to say a number of times before):
It always seems a bit uncommon or strange, if not totally alien, to hear someone refer to Copper Harbor as "Copper", as in:

<font color="0000ff">"You guys need to keep the silence about Copper."</font>
<font color="0000ff">"… -20 in Wakefield when we leave in the morning, and be above zero in Copper."</font>

Kinda marks one as a tourist.

The instinctive reaction on hearing/seeing that is "Copper what?", since there are literally a zillion "Copper this, Copper that, Copper something else", in both geographic and business names from the tip o' the Keweenaw to Gogebic County.

A local resident would be far more likely to say "The Harbor" in referring to Copper Harbor, never mind the remaining possible confusion among "Copper Harbor", "Eagle Harbor", "Agate Harbor", "Horseshoe Harbor", etc. If only 'cuz Copper Harbor is the largest and most prominent of 'em all.


Well-known member
Shush frnash, we are trying to keep it a secret. It was meant to be vague.

We have run into some pretty heavy snowstorms along the way and conditions can get pretty hairy if you are not familiar with the trails.


New member
polarismike, as others have said, the ride is very doable. However, I would alter your route if possible. From Mercer, ride over to Presque Isle, then cross into Michigan and take trail #2 east until Watersmeet. Stop for fuel and breakfast at the petrol station as they serve a very good breakfast. From there, head northeast towards Kenton as this is an awesome trail to ride. Head east to Sidnaw and catch the trail to Baraga, then Chassell, then Hancock. It is a nice day's ride.

For trail maps, try this link