Good story and glad to hear he's doing OK. Kind of wondering why he didn't back-track instead of going forward without any reference. The part about rolling into the fire was actually kind of humorous, and again, he's a lucky guy. Glad to hear it was a happy ending.
Good luck with cell phone were I ride. Pat, very rarely we agree but I am on your team with this one. Let those laugh at our backpacks but I can stay a winter with what I haul on my sled..Was wondering the same thing myself. Also if he had a cell phone to call? Don't know anything about where he was for phone reception.
Good luck with cell phone were I ride. Pat, very rarely we agree but I am on your team with this one. Let those laugh at our backpacks but I can stay a winter with what I haul on my sled..
He said "back track"..... continue with your gardening. A "back pack" and garden tools are not needed in Michigan.
I belive when he said my name he was refering to my quote.......and the garden tool quotes are from those who are misinformed.....the back pack is packed with the "tools" to stay alive and the crazy thing is....this guy could of benifited from the "tools" in our packs....when one you die you might at that point understand why it is necasary evil for anyone who wonders into the back thing you will find with guys who have there "tools" in thier pack is....THEIR SLED IS FULL OF GAS AND THEY KNOW HOW FAR THEY CAN TRAVEL ON SAID GAS......
Yup...that's why I said "I'm gald the guy was OK"oh im sorry thought this was serous subject.....I guess my skills need work...
Yup...that's why I said "I'm gald the guy was OK"[/QUOTE
its ok!! you did act like a **** on a thread, then edit it to look like you didnt act like a cold hearted person your still tops inmy book
Trailshredder, that is so not you. This is a serious post. Everything on my sled and in my pack would greatly increased the guys odds. Shelter is a huge item to survival. A saw and a shovel would help provide that in a big way, "Garden Tools"??? Come on?
Trailshredder, that is so not you. This is a serious post. Everything on my sled and in my pack would greatly increased the guys odds. Shelter is a huge item to survival. A saw and a shovel would help provide that in a big way, "Garden Tools"??? Come on?
In the LP sure you don't need much since everything is so close. Not so in other areas.
I'll ride by myself in the lower peninsula... pretty much anywhere. The U.P or anywhere similar... HECK NO.
You can pretty much count on civilization being within an hour walk in the lower peninsula.
As long as you were not like that guy and walking in circles! Glad things turned out alright.And that would be in our most remote areas. 1/4 Mile in any direction will work in most of the lower to find help.