Snowmobiling Shifting Further North Each Year!

Chicago Boy

New member
Driving north is just part of the fun !!!
I live in McHenry CO Il and I almost
Crave that feeling I get when I turn the truck north
And hit the gas. It's a stress relief


New member
Same here as relief! We started traveling north in 1974 and haven't missed but one season due to shoulder surgery. We love the people in the UP and their kindness. Snowmobiling is like being a drug addict. You can't get enough of it!


New member
Yep pretty much true about winter's not being what they use to be in Northern Illinois. I can remember as a kid many good storms and school closings in the late 70's and early/mid 80's. I got sick of praying for a foot of snow so i moved up north in Ironwood and if you love snow it's one of the best places to be. People would ask me "why did you move here?" and i'd reply "cause the homes are cheap and the snow's deep!" Miss the Illinois wages but that the only thing.


New member
The 1970's were an anomaly.... Winters are pretty much back to where they were in the 1950's and 1960's.

Most of the country is warmer by about 1 degree over the 100 year average.

That's it.

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New member
Don't compare UPMI conditions to anywhere else in midwest or you will be very depressed. Lake Superior dumps huge amounts of snow in the snowbelts of the UP always has as long as I can remember or been there since late 70s. My approach was I felt super fortunate that I could access what Superior does for snow lovers in 6 hours or so just had to make reservations pak & leave bare ground behind me & have a ball. What if Lake Superior was not there? Now that would really SUCK!!!

I wouldn't even get into snowmobiling if it wasn't for the lakes, they are like our mountains and we live in the valleys. Out west, the valleys always get rain or little snow and the mountains get hammered.

I don't know how some of you SW Wisconsin riders do it, I live in crap-ville, but at least lake Michigan covers the trails 2 hours from me.