So,...Were YOU Lucky Enough,...?


New member
To Catch that NEW strain of the FLU????


Don't even want to hear "well did ya get the flu shot?"
Answer: What do you think? (no)
Doc: It probably wouldn't of helped with THIS strain anyway.
Uh,... Thanks doc. Whats this? a bill?

For a lot of you that know me,... I may have a "cold" sneak up (once in a great while),...
But I do pride my "luck" on trying to keep as "healthy" as possible in the communicable dept.'s
But this time around,...
Uh,... not so lucky.

Sitting there talking to the wife perfectly fine one second,...
the next,....
Oh boy.

Have any of you good people been through this?
Just feeling "O.K." after the 4th day!!!!!!
The "dizzy" part one can definately do without. I thought the early 20-something hang-overs
were bad????
Not close.
Wonder where this strain came from?
Doc says it is amazingly EASY to pick up.

Who can go around living in a bubble?
I was in Wally World and saw a dude giving a cart a hand wipe bath,...
When it starts coming to that,... sure makes ya think.
But then again,....
Just think how easy it could be for something globally to,....
Not gonna go there.

Sorry for bringing up such an "icky" subject I guess,...
Just wondering if a Lot of You or your family suffered through this new one.
Cuz I am NOT LYING when I tell ya,... that was the 1st time in over 20 years
I have not purposely "hugged the throne" and was scared as heck!.

Be Aware.
Be Very Aware.

(this medical moment has been brought to you by the friendly folks at "handy-wipes"
and from the makers of lemon-lime Gator Ade and your Favorite slice of bland Toast.)

and I hope there is SNOW in your future!

~Happy Trails


New member
Been lucky so far (knocking on my wooden skull). I typically get a week or so when I'm under the weather, but manage to work thru it. I do get the flu shot each year because of my work in EMS and Fire stuff. Does it work, I don't believe do ya know though? Get better....maybe you're pi$$ing off mother nature with your letters, and she's relayin' the message to "the big guy"


New member
ibendwire, Gonna have to wear extra face mask and gloves
when makin' them retainers!!!
Hope ya feel better bro.


Feelin' great today! Sunshine and Warm temps help I guess (not)

I was wonderin' how the EMS folks had to deal with it,...
Especially the elderly. Seems to be a bad strain,....

Just never seen somethin' "so easy" to catch before I guess.

MZEMS2,... With only "weeks" left in the season locally,.. I'm gonna
Pizz her off as much as I can! LOL!



New member
my wife and i both got it.. wife is a school teacher. wonder where we got it from? hmm.. knocked us both out for a good week or so. still not feeling the greatest now. this thing hit us right after xmas!!