All flu viruses are not created equally. Each strain is slightly different and each year they try and figure out what strains will be prevalent and then inoculation comes from those efforts to hit the right ones....some years it works, and some it doesn't.
What makes the H1 different is the way it has developed and modified itself so quickly. How this H1 affects you depends a bunch on how strong your health is at the moment, how susceptible your system is to flu in general (how does your body handle the virus) and other things that would take forever to explain here.
This flu has shown amazing transformations...and it is NOT your ordinary flu bug. It might mutate into a very very nasty bug which NOT unlike world war one vets, MORE PEOPLE DIED FROM THE FLU THAN FROM BULLETS AND BOMBS. These were otherwise healthy MEN, not children.
This bug is sweeping across the planet right now with wild fire speeds. Surely most of you who scoff at all this news must realize that the depth and speed this virus is moving is NOT like the usual flu bugs we have endured in the past.
Here's the good news....this can sweep around the globe several times coming back each time slightly different than what it was like the first time thru, and infecting you again, and again.
This is why the CDC is so concerned, and when you realize that this thing can kill you...your attitudes will likely change.
If you're lucky, it will be like ordinary flu...over and done in 24 hours...but if you aren't lucky...well, make sure you leave your sled to this writer who warned you about the chances of you gettin into heaven first. We all know about the snowball chance factor, right???
Life is a fast spin, and then you die...what can I say!
Smart people aren't fooling with this one...get the shot and be around next winter to laugh again.