some bears at my door


Well-known member
since the tread about caption this pic?
since some of you know I have lots of bears here, having them at my door is Not anything out of the normal, nor is them looking in windows or on deck, HECK over the yrs I have had a few in the house here, there SMART animals, they will watch you HOW you open doors and repeat, learned that yrs ago, so, have learned since then to lock doors all the time when about
small extra step, but I still enjoy seeing them , never any problems for me, so, I call myself lucky to see them pretty much daily 6-7 months out of the yr here!

a few pic;'s of some at the door LOOKING for me I guess, as many grew up here , helped raise a few orphans and injured one too, so, most tend to come back and say HI when they pass thru!!
most times I dodn't even know they were there, but some times I see them and go say HI back! several decades of me doing this too folks, and again NO issues between or them
co exist pretty well here IMO

so enjoy if you do!

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Well-known member
also find them sleeping at door some times too and on deck
and in ALL my yrs here I have never had them bother my gas grill, even when they show up and am cooking food on it, they just leave my things alone, I joke and tell folks I have well behaved bears here, I don't bother them, they don't bother me or my things HAHA!
I have lost a bird feeder or two YRS ago, but haven't had that issue in a long time either since hanging them high enough! on pulley systems

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Well-known member
well my female with a cub this yr, lost her cub 10 days ago, and the past 3 days now she has had a new boyfriend dogging her here about 12+ hours a day
pretty much all day long and night they are here, he's hot on her tail HOPING for a shot and she is doing her best to stay ahead of him, a third male is also in tow, but he is way too small to compete and as a of today the bigger male, grabbed a hold of him and kicked his *** up my driveway, now little male has a big scar on his head! BUT still following them HOPING for a shot!

the larger male is about 475-500 ans female is about 200 lbs
its been in mid 90's here sunny and HUMID, poor black fat hairy bears are huffing and puffing there brains out, in there love chasing! so been filling kiddie pool a few times day for them with cold water,
as after they lay in pool and get out, NOT much water left, all the more so when Bigger one does it!
they even been sleeping in it in short naps to cool off and get a break in the chasing!

here's a few pic's if anyone cares to see?

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Active member
You sure have a special place that you can watch these guys all the time! Many people never get the chance to see one bear, much less the volume you have. I can tell from the way you write about them, they are very special to you, and you will never get tired of watching them! JUST AWESOME!


Well-known member
You sure have a special place that you can watch these guys all the time! Many people never get the chance to see one bear, much less the volume you have. I can tell from the way you write about them, they are very special to you, and you will never get tired of watching them! JUST AWESOME!

yes I do feel very lucky to have the wildlife here that I do and being able to see so many critters every day year after yr watching so many grow and age and have there one off spring and repeat

and its hard I think to not get some what attached to animals you see almost every day for yrs and yrs, some sort of turn into more like friends in a strange way, than just a wild animal, as when you spend as much time near them as I do and get to learn the differences in some on how they act differently to things than others and watch them have there own issue's and work past them, ior as I have said, I have helped raise and do re hab on many as well!

you do get attached to them to a point, but I always remember they are wild and that's how I only want them to be, with human expansion happening, they all have had to learn to adapt to us HUMANS, and most of the bears here have done so pretty well, but I think a big part of this, is most people in my area are very willing tolerate of them and most like them, and enjoy having the chance to see them so often, as you said,
As,so few really ever see a bear in the wild! never mind there yard often!

this is actually why I post pictures, as I figure most DON"T see bears !


Active member
So freaking cool man!! I don't know if I could get that comfy with bears in my yard. But what you have there is awesome!


Active member
FRNash to bear in kiddy pool: "Move over, I want in!"

So far this year's monsoon season[SUP]1[/SUP] in Phoenix has been more of a "non-soon":
Phoenix AZ Precipitation
Since Jan 1, 2020
Since Oct 1, 2019
Measurable precipitation since March, 2020

April 11
July 24

([SUP]1[/SUP] Since 2008 the Arizona monsoon season has been defined as Jun 15 - Sep 30.)

… or maybe we should call it a "hot-soon"!
Current forecast:
(Click thumbnail for larger image.)

From the above forecast, by August 25 we'll be 2/3 through this year's monsoon season with nary a drop of rain in sight!

"Move over, bear!" :miserable:


Well-known member
FRNash I have no clue how anyone lives in these places that are so hot and dry, I could never do it, I have friends in AZ and NV , TX that have 90-100 degree temps more days than not anymore, there AC bills are SCARY high!

and SLIMCAKE I again want to state, I have a lot of REAL bear experience and know how here, I am not just a guy that lives where bears are.
I have helped and worked with some of the best bear biologists in the world over the yrs, I have handled bears in ways NO normal average person ever should, and as such, My comfort level is way higher than it is for most others!

I have been up close and personal with bears for almost 40 yrs now, and having raised a bunch of them over the yrs, I gather I also don't see them as the average person does!
most of these bears here I show pic;'s of are one's I have a LOT of time about and not just a bear I have ZERO experience with
so it does make a difference on how they reach and interact with me here!
I would NEVER suggest anyone do many of the things I do about bears, and I am also fully both aware and knowing the risks I take with them
not some idiot that thinks there pets by any means!
THAT said, again, having raised many over the yrs, I am very comfortable about several of them, even when I don;t see them for weeks.months or even yrs, when they DO show up back here, there is some what a relationship between us!
STILL wild animals, so anything can happen!
but in all my yrs to date, never had a BAD interaction YET! HAHA!
this was one of my cubs I raised and released here, she went on to have 6 cubs and made it to age 7, before ?
sadly, she got hit by a car last Nov and died about a mile from me! (second time she got hit by a car too, once before at age 2, which turned into a 2 yr project top get things healed, compound fracture on right rear ankle)
she left behind two cubs behind, which I was able to find and well, collect, and took in along with a third I was already working with, that became an orphan from June when its mother was killed, super tiny 4 month old cub!
and can say as of right now, all 3 cubs made it and are now on there own doing well!

but here is a few pic's of my one female I helped raise, she would always stop by when ever she passed thru my area, and loved sitting on deck with me for a few hours, like a big old loyal dog she was, miss her to be honest, but things happen, I was just glad I was able to give her a chance at things and to be honest, average of bears here is about 2.5 before being killed in hunting season, so, she made it past that and then some! so to me that was a success story even with the downs!
her nickname was PEANUT, as when I got her she was tiny like a peanut and well, loved peanuts, one of the first things she ate , so the name stuck1

peanut on deck.jpg peanut on deck with me.jpg


Well-known member
FRNash to bear in kiddy pool: "Move over, I want in!"

So far this year's monsoon season[SUP]1[/SUP] in Phoenix has been more of a "non-soon":
Phoenix AZ Precipitation
Since Jan 1, 2020
Since Oct 1, 2019
Measurable precipitation since March, 2020

April 11
July 24

([SUP]1[/SUP] Since 2008 the Arizona monsoon season has been defined as Jun 15 - Sep 30.)

… or maybe we should call it a "hot-soon"!
Current forecast:
View attachment 62080
(Click thumbnail for larger image.)

From the above forecast, by August 25 we'll be 2/3 through this year's monsoon season with nary a drop of rain in sight!

"Move over, bear!" :miserable:

PHX, that's hot for sure and I respect the situation, try Yuma, AZ with the added humidity due to growing all of America Lettuce plus another 6-10 degrees.
My Sister fly's a copter during the day for CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) and some days it wont fly due to heat.

Oh by the way, Mexico added another month to closing their border due to COVID; HOW THE POOP WE KEEP ILLEGALS COMING HERE WITH COVID AND EVERY OTHER COMMUNICABE DISEASE?



Active member

FRNash I have no clue how anyone lives in these places that are so hot and dry, I could never do it, I have friends in AZ and NV , TX that have 90-100 degree temps more days than not anymore, there AC bills are SCARY high! …
How to live with all that heat? Air Conditioning! — Air conditioned house, air conditioned car, air conditioned office …

AC bills? Some years ago I was so busy working 12-14 hours per day that I was paying no attention to my ‘lectric bills (they have always been on an automatic payment plan).

One summer day, when I suddenly realized that my bill was ~$260+, I started making some changes:

  • New attic insulation.
  • New Renewal by Andersen patio door and several windows on the west (afternoon sun side) of the house.
  • Just two years ago, a new A/C unit.
  • This last December a new roof — complete with a full-length ridge vent.
  • A new electric service rate plan.
The new rate plan has a reduced but brutal 5-hour ”peak rate period” from 3PM-8PM on M-F that includes a “demand” rate of ~$21.50 per kilowatt for the highest energy usage in any on-peak hour. That would add ~$75.00 to my bill for each hour of A/C used during the “peak rate period”.

But since now I pre-cool the house at the much lower “off-peak rate”, then kill the AC from 3-8PM, my current 12-month rolling average electric bill is now only $59.25, and the highest “demand” I have scored in years is 0.59kW.

Yes, the house slowly heats up between 3-8PM, on the hottest days generally peaking at ~87 degrees or less by 8PM. I can handle that.

Incidentally, we just hit a new high temperature record of 117 for this date, at 4:19PM today, and my A/C was running non-stop from 4AM-3PM, pre-cooling in anticipation of a high of 116-117.
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Well-known member

yeah I was sent that a few days ago, its one of them things that happens a lot more often than many think, and sadly its not very good for the bear
camp grounds are well know spots where wildlife ends up getting far too comfortable about humans as so many will feed them, and then them campers, LEAVE, but the wildlife ends up staying behind and then starts to look at humans as food sources, and YES some other campers will feed, but many won't, and when when camping season is over, these animals tend to migrate towards humans as to returning into the wild for there meals
then they start to damage trash can's on trash day/night, or worse break into homes and cars
and then, many times this leads to the bears getting trapped, relocated, but it never solves the damage that is there from being fed so often by humans
and worse yet, some bears end up becoming more aggressive almost demanding them hand outs and, or just cannot shake the habit of using humans as a food source!
and as such, they end up getting put down!

its never a good idea to feed bears for THERE own good,.
I know some might find em saying this contradictory to myself here, but as I said many times, I am not the average guy here that just has bears where I am at,
I have decades of experience working with bears and handling them and proven ways of doing the things I do with bears in general!

more to all stories than just what pictures will ever show if one looks into things more!

NOW< if anyone wanted to see some older things, have a look at some of the ways National parks were run 50 yrs ago or so
where they used to promote feeding bears! and bears would sit and eat with people all the time, 99% problem free
but the 1% of time folks got hurt or worse, ended that
IMO they got away with that for so long or well like, due to the parks typically stayed open from the time bears came out fo winter sleep and stayed open till just before they denned back up, so wasn't a lot of time to NOT have hand outs, and well, most parks also didn;t have many residents living close by!

Disney made a movie of things that captured a lot of things that is very frowned on these days and for good reasons!
but if anyone cares to see it, called ,:" Yellowstone cubs"