Someone painted the ground to match Kruppy


New member
The first snowfall statements like this one always reminds me of years ago when I was in the service. I was stationed in Washington state. One evening it snowed at on base. My daughter was 3, and she was the first to see the snow that Saturday morning. She came running into our bedroom and yelled; "Daddy Mt St Helens sneezed!" She had only seen snow while we were up in the Mt St Hellens park. I still laugh to myself every time I think of it.


New member
In Twin Lakes, aoorox 6 inches so far and advisory thru tomorrow with the most depth between Rockland and Painsdale, so they are saying. Deb and I know all of you are lovin this but Richard & Jim are each at their deer camps "out in the boonies" this week so we have no snow plowers--and gosh sakes, we'd sure hate to have to have them come back early. Next week it can snow-snow-snow so there's enough to start "panking" the trails on Dec. 1st.
On a previous thread it was mentioned that the measuring stick needed a fresh coat of paint, like Kruppy---now you can see why its a different color--shows the white stuff better.
Happy Snowmobile Season to all - keep it safe.


Active member
In Twin Lakes, aoorox 6 inches so far and advisory thru tomorrow with the most depth between Rockland and Painsdale, so they are saying. Deb and I know all of you are lovin this but Richard & Jim are each at their deer camps "out in the boonies" this week so we have no snow plowers--and gosh sakes, we'd sure hate to have to have them come back early. Next week it can snow-snow-snow so there's enough to start "panking" the trails on Dec. 1st.
On a previous thread it was mentioned that the measuring stick needed a fresh coat of paint, like Kruppy---now you can see why its a different color--shows the white stuff better.
Happy Snowmobile Season to all - keep it safe.

Hope they bag a couple Sandy! Maybe Jim and Deb can come up with some kind of venicin strudel for Skylar before we get up there. We'll see ya then. (So long as there's snow)!! :)


we have not gotten 6" here but maybe 2-3 and it's snowing good right now, Picked up in the last hr


New member
Good morning: Guess it was more blowing than snowing. Just couple more inches and now have some snow overhang from roof and everything was blown in-tire tracks, shoveled areas, footprints. Just flurries falling lightly now.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Good morning: Guess it was more blowing than snowing. Just couple more inches and now have some snow overhang from roof and everything was blown in-tire tracks, shoveled areas, footprints. Just flurries falling lightly now.

See ya in 21 days!
Scottiking OUT