Special people & places.


New member
Of the few web sites that I'm a member on, this is the one that has the most members that would probably appreciate this the most.
My father passed away on Christmas eve from a short, severe cancer battle.
Dad was always fishing. He even built custom fishing rods. I moved away from the U.P. to Indiana when I was 21, so I only got to go out fishing with him a few times after I moved.
Going through his things, I found what I thought were posters rolled up. They weren't posters, they were navigation maps. One of Keweenaw bay, and the other of the entire peninsula. I knew I wanted to frame the one of the peninsula. But then I came up with this idea. A fishing rod rack for the garage.


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Deleted member 10829

Very, very cool! That looks great. What a neat idea and a good way to honor and remember your dad with 2 of the things he loved the most, the UP and fishing! :)


New member
That is very cool! My Dad has some pictures of him and his buddies at deer camp taken in the fifties. I asked him if I could have them after he leaves this world, so I too have something to remember him by.


New member
Very neat idea in honor of your dad!! I'm certain every time you grab a rod or even just walk by you will smile remembering good times!
This project will "give" you much more than you could imagine.
We did something similar for a dear friend of ours last year with his old, broken snowmobile helmet. Every time we see it, the memories surface.



Staff member
Very cool and well done. A very nice way to remember him.

Any good fishing holes marked on the map?



wrong way, you did great. So sorry for your loss but I tell you it is nice to be able to have good friends to be able to share with. You are right, this site is just that. Thanks for posting this thread in honor of your father. I'm sure he's watching with a smile on his face thinking how proud he is of his son!


Well-known member
What a perfect way to pay tribute to your father and something he loved very much. This is a very special thing you have done.