Stay right!


Doesn't really matter,the damage has been done.Prayers and condolences to all the families,they were all locals too! Just one of those things that can happen on a "blind" hill.Many people know of the spot and most grab the throttle to get some air,the others back off -just-in-case...We know which might be the better choice...Still quite heart wrenching when somebody dies doing this......


New member
so sad to hear about any fatal anything. if people just had the concept of other people and stop thinking only about themselves this stuff wouldn't happen so're not the only one out there.more than a couple beers is a bad thing.ALL of my boneheaded moves were on alcohol and i won't do that again.luckily, i never hurt anything but my wallet and my pride. stay right,stay sober,stay alive.


New member
Sad thing it can happen at any moment in life...Freeway or trails!! We all trust the other drivers to make the best decisions!! We are always the other driver meeting that someone else....Stay safe and god bless the families/friends involved!!!


New member
Stay right

What do you want out of the guy that was on the wrong side of the trail? I'm sure he told the family of the person he killed that "he was sorry". Now when he is healed he can go out and ride again and the family members of the other guy can go visit his grave. Obviously I am being very sarcastic! What will it take for ALL riders to be responsible for their actions? Just think about what MIGHT happen by your carelessness. Sorry for my rant.


I live about a mile away from where this happened. I rode through there Sunday afternoon and the damn trail is 40 feet wide where they crashed and it was all the way to the right hand side of the trail not in the center.


My condolensces to the family.

I almost had a near tragic accident this weekend. I came around a corner (riding 2up with the wife and kids) near Christmas MI and was suprised by a group of 4 WIDE (not 4 DEEP)coming around the corner. One of the guys ended up passing me on the right and going off trail.

Some people just need to realize that they can seriously injure themselves and others by riding dumb!!!


New member
There is just no excuse for 2 wide unless passing, but 4 wide, they wer racing... Those guys should have been booted off the trail period by the DNR and fined $1k each for reckless endangerment.


There is just no excuse for 2 wide unless passing, but 4 wide, they wer racing... Those guys should have been booted off the trail period by the DNR and fined $1k each for reckless endangerment.

AMO,I like the way you think.........:)


New member
I mean what's it gonna take to get these jack wagons off the trail? I find someone's death unacceptable and apparently not substantial enough to stop these idiots. I would actually like to see Sheriff officers be able to act on this type of driving. What other sport can you get away with this?

You can get a DUI on a sled, why not a reckless? Can you?


I think you can. reckless endangerment. as stated in a diferent thread,need more enforcement ON the trail system. but in this age of 'revenue generation',they would rather sit 200 ft. down from a stop sign for 'easy pickin' to pad the state/county budget. IMHO
It's not about safety. It's about the money generated. Just ride any trail in Kenosha,Lake,or McHenery county WHEN the snow is down and it's obvious. for those who know/ride the area, you know exactly what I'm talking about..........