Stole my cc number for Facebook!


New member
I just got a phone call from my bank. They asked if I charged anything to Facebook for $1.01. There was also a transaction for $25.00 for "click and buy." This happened last night around 1am while I was sleeping.

The facebook charge was placed and then taken off by them. The bank denied the click and buy charge.

Apparently someone wanted to buy something for a game on facebook with my credit card. Charges for a virtual world! Games like farmville where I guess you can buy things like cows or whatever.



New member
I am corn did they get your cc number off facebook?

BTW mind sharing that number here....I got a nice list of stuff.......??


New member
I am corn did they get your cc number off facebook?

BTW mind sharing that number here....I got a nice list of stuff.......??

They actually didn't get it from facebook. They acquired it somehow (perhaps when I bought beer last night the clerk jotted it down, but she was cute, why would she do that) other than that. They don't have my information. It was used to make charges on facebook.


Active member
Imagine a cute girl doing something like that! Who ever HEARD of such a thing!

Had another friend that happened to...charges ended up to almost $100 for farmville and some other FB stuff.

Glad your bank caught it for you!

And lol @ moose...and I sure could use some stuff from Cabela's and I have just a SHORT list of stuff from Amazon!! ;)


Active member
Sears Credit card (CitiBank)

I got a phone call from someone from the state of Maryland yesterday that said fraudulent charges were trying to be made on this account. They wanted to close this account number and issue a new number to me. She couldn't tell me what these charges were. I didn't know if this was a hoax or what. I called directly to the card to confirm this and it was ligit! Anyone else experience this? I know people that had stayed at Lakewoods in Cable had charges on the credit card from overseas and this worried me as we stay there sometimes. Nothing is 100% when using credit, just who can you trust anymore?


I had a charge from "PC Doc" on my January Chase statement for around $25.00. I Called Chase to investigate because I didn't recall purchasing anything from them. Chase closed the account on the spot and issued me a new card/number. Watch your statements.


New member
I got a phone call from someone from the state of Maryland yesterday that said fraudulent charges were trying to be made on this account. They wanted to close this account number and issue a new number to me. She couldn't tell me what these charges were. I didn't know if this was a hoax or what. I called directly to the card to confirm this and it was ligit! Anyone else experience this? I know people that had stayed at Lakewoods in Cable had charges on the credit card from overseas and this worried me as we stay there sometimes. Nothing is 100% when using credit, just who can you trust anymore?

My wife and I stayed at Lakewoods just before Christmas this year for her company Christmas party. There were fraudulent charges on our card and others that stayed there. We got it straightened out and reinbursed. There was a FBI investigation on this. I don't believe any of the staff was involved. I think their CC system was tapped into.



What you experienced was a "test" charge. They will also use iTunes.

If no issues they will then charge away. Somehow your CC number got out.

Call bank immediately and watch your statements each month.


New member
What you experienced was a "test" charge. They will also use iTunes.

If no issues they will then charge away. Somehow your CC number got out.

Call bank immediately and watch your statements each month.

The card was destroyed and a new one is being issued. Darn low lifes.


Active member
I got a phone call from someone from the state of Maryland yesterday that said fraudulent charges were trying to be made on this account. They wanted to close this account number and issue a new number to me. She couldn't tell me what these charges were. I didn't know if this was a hoax or what. I called directly to the card to confirm this and it was ligit! Anyone else experience this? I know people that had stayed at Lakewoods in Cable had charges on the credit card from overseas and this worried me as we stay there sometimes. Nothing is 100% when using credit, just who can you trust anymore?

Don't assume that Lakewoods (what ever that is) did it them selves. A lot of times peoples - businesses computers are infected with viruses or malware and they dont even know it. These malicious programs can be sending this info to the perpetrators who then sell or use the credit card info.

Polarice - if the card was used on facebook, it should be pretty to trace it back to who used it.