stray cats


Well-known member
take them to the humane society.
that or round em up and set them loose in the country someplace. if you wanted to kill em, I am sure you could think of several ways to get the job done.

Don't set them free in the country, we don't want them either.


New member
stray cats are a pain in the arse. while growing up we had them everywhere in the neighborhood. and i am not talking just a few! my father had to chop down some nice trees we had around the house. they would climb the trees and get on roof of house and fight all nite. and then they started to head for the basement, and left their droppings there. neighbor lady had an old chicken coop and they bread like crazy. and this part will not go well with many, she would drown the litters in her third story bathroom and throw them out the window, and yes not all would be dead. (we called cops on here many times). yes the chicken coop did burn down one nite, and i had nothing to do with it. but all the neighrhood was much happier. lady behind us, she set up many cardboard boxes for cat houses around her place. yes these 2 ladies were very old. and now i go threw same thing where i live now. now i have 2 elder men that leave food out for all the roamers. and then they just shhot acroos the street and leave thier mess in my flower beds. It is not o.k. to walk your dog without a leash and or leave his droppings, but it is o.k. to let these cats run free and drop thier stuff as they please. figure that one out. nothing i hate worse is to open windows and have to smell the stench of what these free roaming critters left behind! city has brought this issue up in meetings, and yes that is all the further it goes. and lastly keep in mind what some of these cats carry, they are not all healthy cats, so is that what one would want their young child to intise to come to them cuase it is such a pretty little kitten. so yes sometimes one has to take measures into thier own hands when the goverment cant fix the problems.


I read an artical some time ago about a drive by, some dudes threw a sack of cats in the city brush shreader, raaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and a sea of red I heard, yuk, sick bastages


Just wanted to clairify that i've had a couple complaints on this thread. No biggie but just wanted to elaborate on my prior post
M8man. From da iphone


New member
Getting rid of stray cats non lethal

1 Gallon of vinegar,
1 pint of corn syrup,
Soak 1 bag of Redman chewing tobacco in 1 quart jar of Pepsi for two days.
10 oz of white pepper
14 oz or red pepper

Strain the tobacco particles out of the Pepsi.
Add the Pepsi/tobacco juice to 2.5 gallon of very hot water, add corn syrup, both peppers, and then the vinegar.

Be careful and pour the vinegar slowly as you will get some effervescence when it mixes with the Pepsi.
Mix well, put in a deck sprayer and spray around the areas where the cats frequent, and on the cats themselves. This should cause them to leave and find another home. An old farmer showed us this trick to keep the cats out of the barns, and it seemed to work. Its like pepper spray with glue.

Good Luck


Step #1. Live trap 'em.
Step #2. Drop them in the china town neighborhood.
step #3. Problem solved, and fed the hungry.


Active member
I had nitemares from cats fighting under my window when I was a child. I thought it was Martians from Mars. When I got older I realized these were somone's pet ?

I dont get it. You obtain a Cat and then release it to roam and all that goes with it, and impose that on other people.


New member
1 Gallon of vinegar,
1 pint of corn syrup,
Soak 1 bag of Redman chewing tobacco in 1 quart jar of Pepsi for two days.
10 oz of white pepper
14 oz or red pepper

Strain the tobacco particles out of the Pepsi.
Add the Pepsi/tobacco juice to 2.5 gallon of very hot water, add corn syrup, both peppers, and then the vinegar.

Be careful and pour the vinegar slowly as you will get some effervescence when it mixes with the Pepsi.
Mix well, put in a deck sprayer and spray around the areas where the cats frequent, and on the cats themselves. This should cause them to leave and find another home. An old farmer showed us this trick to keep the cats out of the barns, and it seemed to work. Its like pepper spray with glue.

Good Luck

Who has time to mix such concoctions up in the first place? what if I use 2 gals. hot water or 3? will this makhhe a difference? Pellet gun w.ith a scope would be my idea of cat eradication. Actually I just open the door and let the mndogs have at it. Cat runs off the dogs crash into the fench chasing them to the yard edge and all is well. Thats what dogs do. I am just kidding!
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New member
I probably shouldn't post to this topic, but I feel compelled to.

Unquestionably, stray cats are an issue in most parts of our country. Also, keep in mind that the government cannot possibly afford to take care of the problem without collecting enough taxes to support a proper shelter, even if it is simply a place to have them euthanized and properly disposed of.

Instead, if you can, support whatever local humane groups are in your area that already are doing absolutely everything in their power to help control the population with taking strays as the have space to do so (which is infrequent in most cases because the economy has reduced adoptions severely while increasing owner surrenders and outright dumping substantially). Unless they have a direct contract with local government to provide animal control service, humane groups generally receive no government money to operate with, and are 100% reliant on donations or an occasional grant that big groups sometimes get, but the grants are rare, and there are fewer overall right now due to the economy as well.

The action of catching, altering (spaying or neutering), and releasing strays may not sound like a good idea, but it actually eventually helps reduce the population in a given area because reproduction is reduced while the consumption of available food and rodents continues, which stops additional cats from wanting to move into a given area, and if continued consistently by enough people, the likelihood of additional cats moving back into an area once that population begins to die off lessens over time.

I recognize that for many, humane groups are considered to be populated with people who have little grasp on reality (in essence they think everybody involved are like the PETA people who give animal rescue a bad name because of their extremist views), and animals are just animals.

Also, in many areas, there is a far more pressing need in helping people right now than animals, again due to the economy. I understand and agree with that, and many others involved in animal rescue recognize that, too, yet many of us continue to try to help animals anyway because they respect the fact that, unless they are feral (wild), the animals are 100% dependent on people for their survival, and strays are often people's former pets, many of which simply having been turned loose due to the misfortunes faced by their former families.

In some areas, Mother Nature simply takes its course and increases the population of cat predators until the problem is naturally reduced, but I also recognize that those predators also prey on other types of animals that may be more desirable, thereby requiring landowners to take action themselves to protect their livestock and other interests in a cost effective manner, often by removing the excess cats and the predators using whatever means they choose, while maintaining a small population of cats to provide rodent control.

Everyone's situation is unique, and there are different solutions of varying effectiveness, and I am not actually here to judge, despite it probably seeming like that. I just wanted to provide a little different perspective with respect to this issue, due to my wife's involvement in animal rescue in Indiana, and by extension, my own. It is primarily a thankless, yet occasionally highly rewarding, effort that could use a little support from volunteers to donations from anybody who has the means to do so, and would be greatly appreciated regardless of where you happen to be.


New member
I probably shouldn't post to this topic, but I feel compelled to.

Unquestionably, stray cats are an issue in most parts of our country. Also, keep in mind that the government cannot possibly afford to take care of the problem without collecting enough taxes to support a proper shelter, even if it is simply a place to have them euthanized and properly disposed of.

Instead, if you can, support whatever local humane groups are in your area that already are doing absolutely everything in their power to help control the population with taking strays as the have space to do so (which is infrequent in most cases because the economy has reduced adoptions severely while increasing owner surrenders and outright dumping substantially). Unless they have a direct contract with local government to provide animal control service, humane groups generally receive no government money to operate with, and are 100% reliant on donations or an occasional grant that big groups sometimes get, but the grants are rare, and there are fewer overall right now due to the economy as well.

The action of catching, altering (spaying or neutering), and releasing strays may not sound like a good idea, but it actually eventually helps reduce the population in a given area because reproduction is reduced while the consumption of available food and rodents continues, which stops additional cats from wanting to move into a given area, and if continued consistently by enough people, the likelihood of additional cats moving back into an area once that population begins to die off lessens over time.

I recognize that for many, humane groups are considered to be populated with people who have little grasp on reality (in essence they think everybody involved are like the PETA people who give animal rescue a bad name because of their extremist views), and animals are just animals.

Also, in many areas, there is a far more pressing need in helping people right now than animals, again due to the economy. I understand and agree with that, and many others involved in animal rescue recognize that, too, yet many of us continue to try to help animals anyway because they respect the fact that, unless they are feral (wild), the animals are 100% dependent on people for their survival, and strays are often people's former pets, many of which simply having been turned loose due to the misfortunes faced by their former families.

In some areas, Mother Nature simply takes its course and increases the population of cat predators until the problem is naturally reduced, but I also recognize that those predators also prey on other types of animals that may be more desirable, thereby requiring landowners to take action themselves to protect their livestock and other interests in a cost effective manner, often by removing the excess cats and the predators using whatever means they choose, while maintaining a small population of cats to provide rodent control.

Everyone's situation is unique, and there are different solutions of varying effectiveness, and I am not actually here to judge, despite it probably seeming like that. I just wanted to provide a little different perspective with respect to this issue, due to my wife's involvement in animal rescue in Indiana, and by extension, my own. It is primarily a thankless, yet occasionally highly rewarding, effort that could use a little support from volunteers to donations from anybody who has the means to do so, and would be greatly appreciated regardless of where you happen to be.

And a very big thank you, it is a touchy thing with some people
but the problem can become so consuming in some situations that
extreme measures are taken. I do not avocate kill at first sight

Cat Woman

New member
Have you tried taking a drive out of town and stopping at a few local farms and asking them if they'd be interested in a few cats? (not sure of your geographical location) You (and your annyoed neighbors for that matter) could trap 'em and haul them out of town. Keeping the rodent problem down is a constant battle on the farm especially on the larger cattle/swine farms where the feed is everywhere. Might be worth a try if you're not looking to harm them.