pat, being in the business of insurance, it is too risky to take that chance, especially in today's enviroment. Furthermore, you are incorrect in the statement "your insuring the car and not the driver". In Michigan, the No-Fault law covers the the driver as well under the PIP (personal injury protection) coverage which is your medical coverage. This coverage is unlimited in medical expense thanks to the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Assessment fee that is charged on all policies in the state of Michigan. If the insured has a Primary Medical Policy i.e. Blue Cross Blue Shield, it will coordinate benefits as well as take care of Co-pay's & Deductibles. If the primary medical coverage does not pay for auto related accidents, if coverage were to be denied, you could find yourself in a world of hurt with a life-time injury. With technology utilized today, most companies will find out about the youthful operator, and if they don't, is it really worth taking the risk of possibly having coverage denied in the event of an accident? Are your neighbor Police Officers professional insurance agents? Because they are Police & giving this advise, does it make it right? Will that change the insuring companies mind in the event of an accident resulting in bodily injury, property damage &/or a lawsuit? Not good advise to follow.-Mezz