Superior Snowmobile Club-Greenland/Mass City/Twin Lakes


New member
We needed to get a few details ironed out before officially posting our trail work week-end on September 15, 16 and 17.
We really do have alot that needs to be accomplished this year. We have 130 miles of trail to brush, repair or replace signs, bridge repairs and tree removal. We had several wind storms this summer so there are many downed trees to cut along with the regular bushing.
It is helpful to have ATV if you have one to bring. If not, there are areas to work by pickup truck. Also, if you have available, chainsaw, screw gun and lopping shears.
Some workers arrive on Wednesday so they can be up and ready to go on Thursday the 15th. Some trail workers can work 1 day and others are able to work all 3 days. We are greatful for whatever time you can spare.
Fridays trail lunch will be donated by Mosquito Inn and Parkview Lodge & Grill. Saturdays trail lunch will be donated by Krupp's Mini-Mart and a club member. Saturday night there will be a cook-out provided by Krupp's Resort. There will be a bon fire with alot of stories to be shared about your favorite sport-and time to make new friends and to renew old friendships.
Wildlife Refuge Cabins in South Range and Krupp's Resort in Twin Lakes offer free lodging to our trailworkers. Please call to make lodging arrangements and to let us know when you can help so we will have some numbers for meals, etc. Also it will be helpful to know when you can help so we can make plans for work groups. Please call Mike Sabo, President at 906-288-3025 or Krupp's Resort at 906-288-3404. Or, you can e-mail to (the club does not have e-mail).
Any help will be appreciated--any questions, let us know. THANK YOU


Active member

arrgghh! Won't be able to make it again Sandy! The good news is that I'll be in MI, but it will be the "lower" for my brothers wedding. Hope all is well. Say hello to Richard. Look forward to seeing you all this coming season.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I am probabably not going to make it this year either :(, I start a new job next Monday, and there are talks that September will have mandatory Saturdays. So, unless a miracle happens, this will be the first year I miss. :mad::(


New member
Skylar-why didn't you tell new employer that you would accept their job offer but that you had another obligation on Sept 15-16-17 and would need time off. Actually, we are happy for you-. Keep in touch.


I will be up on Wednesday night with an atv and some ambition. I'll be staying with Keith & Sherry at the Pine Cone. Looking forward to meeting some fellow JD'ers.


New member
With Skylar missing, I suppose I'll have to work a bit harder this year. I'll be up on Wednesday and I'll bring both my chain saws. You know what that means Ray - when I say timber, you'd better run a little bit faster. Ted


New member
Ted: I would have to say that you just gave Ray fair warning. LOL and just a reminder that we still have one of your shirts and a windbreaker type jacket.

Cuzzinolaf: Just saw on a different thread that you can't make it this year-we'll just have to miss you also. Guess in the future we should tell these couples wanting September weddings that they can get married at our Saturday nite bon fire.


Well-known member
Ted: I would have to say that you just gave Ray fair warning. LOL and just a reminder that we still have one of your shirts and a windbreaker type jacket.

Cuzzinolaf: Just saw on a different thread that you can't make it this year-we'll just have to miss you also. Guess in the future we should tell these couples wanting September weddings that they can get married at our Saturday nite bon fire.

I wish I could make it but this wedding is going on the same weekend in Kalamazoo Michigan. I really wanted to come up for it and ride the bike if the weather was nice. I hope to make the one up by John and don't foresee any reason that I can't as of now.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Skylar-why didn't you tell new employer that you would accept their job offer but that you had another obligation on Sept 15-16-17 and would need time off. Actually, we are happy for you-. Keep in touch.

Mom, I know, I know! i need to be a good boy though, I need to be able to still come up for sled season!!! LOL.

With Skylar missing, I suppose I'll have to work a bit harder this year. I'll be up on Wednesday and I'll bring both my chain saws. You know what that means Ray - when I say timber, you'd better run a little bit faster. Ted

LMAO, you're a good man Ted!! Hey, you got beer?


Active member
I wish I could make it but this wedding is going on the same weekend in Kalamazoo Michigan. I really wanted to come up for it and ride the bike if the weather was nice. I hope to make the one up by John and don't foresee any reason that I can't as of now.

Yours is in Kalamazoo? How far is that from Ann Arbor? That's where I'll be. Let's have our party bus meet your party bus half way in the middle!


Active member
Will be there Thursday afternoon through Saturday morning and staying at Lenny's, can't wait to start clearing the trails!


Super Moderator
Staff member
I hope to make it again this year!
I have been super busy with work and hope to try and make time!
Time will tell!
Scottiking OUT


New member

Hey Doospunk-Now, thats a bummer...Can't your bro & bride change their date.. We will miss you.

Sandy, Just brought the times up to my social secratery.and said HONEY looks like you will have some time to yourself again.Told her to stock up on some books for the wkend.This mornin as i got ready in the washroom there was a card...Her sisters daughters weddding,is that wkend !@@##$$%%^&&&***. I said I think I feal a HERNIA commin on .She said *&^%%$@##$%^&**(NNNOOO WWWAAAYYY) I NEED A NEW SOCIAL SECRATERY!!!! bUT WILL BE UP THEIR WHEN THE SNOW FLIES..MEATHEAD