Suspension questions and help


New member
Geez, just get one toy put to rest and have to start working on the next one. I have an 06 Ploaris Switchback 600 that I am in the process of getting ready for the season. I want to know how often you should have the shocks checked/charged. I am also trying to remove the rear suspension but having little success because of spinning bolts. If anybody has any suggestions to make removal a little easier it would be greatly appreciated. I am wanting to remove the skid just to go through everything and make sure its right.
Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.


New member
My trick is to take the easier of the two spinning bolts out and put in a VERY short one in it's place and tighten enough to break opposite side loose.
good luck, they only put blue locktite on the threads normally.


Well-known member
i figure out which bolt comes out easier then i tighten that one back up. then, i loosen both of them till they're about out. then, i take out the one that comes out harder so the other one comes out easy and wha-la, u got both bolts out


New member
I was just talking about this, the Manufactures should put a flat on in the middle of it or a hole so you can pin with a punch so it does not rotate. I have mine apart now and may do it. have to take a close look at it.


New member
yep, impact wrench it off. then you won't have to be putting in and taking bolts on and off again to see which one is easier to do.


New member
Back to the original question... shock service is recommended about 2yrs or 2500 miles. if you have servicable shocks. You should on that sled. and yes, an air impact will zip the bolts out. Be sure to lock-tite them back in, I get a few in every season missing those bolts, or worse, they broke off in the shaft.