SW Lower Michigan


"on the trail" will be tough. Niles may be a good bet - short drive to trails / parking. Dowagiac too - not too far from Sister Lakes.


New member
We rode on Thursday, dropped in at the Four Flags staging area in Niles. Went all the way up to the Timber Ridge Ski Resort near Gobles, all good. Friday left from Four Winds Casino parking lot and ran the Buffalo Run trails all the way down to Crummstown, IN. Some of the deepest snow I've ever ridden in. Over the hood powder, snowing so hard at times, could not see the rider in front of you. Epic conditions! Locals were saying some of the best conditions they've seen.


New member
Going to start out with a disclaimer that any report that I put on the net this year will be from a vehicle seat and not a sled seat..

As stated Niles, Edwardsburge, Coloma, and Buffalo run has real good snow YET. Cant tell you about Vandalia but would think it is good over to there. I had to go to Hastings yesterday and looked like everything from Hartford north is getting thin, they didn't get the snow that we did down in the corner. Last night it got above freezing and woke up to about a 1/4" of ice from the rain and 34 deg. Supposed to get on and off rain for a couple of days and forcast is at or about freezing for whole week with Thursday being close to 50. I would say today and tomorrow SHOULD still be a good ride but after that would say not worth it. I DID NOT SEE ONE SLED OUT in the 5 hours worth of driving I did yesterday. Sat I have never seen so many trailers at the M-51 drop off or Marithon. I don't know if you could have got another trailer in there if you had a shoe horn. Despite all the traffic over the weekend all the trails I saw were still snow covered. North of Harford is the only places I saw snirt and that was mostely at road crossings and big straightaways in the fields. I have held off on doing any reporting since it is not from a sled but as stated this is the best snow that S.W. lower trails have seen this early in years but as every other year it looks like it is going to go away fast. Ride safe.


New member
Sun and warm did major damage today. Roadsides are open. I had 20 plus inches in my yard yesturday, got home to 10 inches of wet heavy today. Would say a vast majority of trails are taste or close to it.