Team Kesslers 2nd Annual Snodeo/Twin Spar show-- Jan14th


Well-known member
I know you Kessler boys, and the others who rent spots in the apartment will be fine, but thought I'd throw out the idea of getting everyone whose visiting for a prolonged period of time to toss you their sled keys/tethers just to play things safe.

Who are you kidding? They won't make it out of the apartment and there will be a pile of bodies come morning. =)


New member
The kickoff to Team Kesslers 2012 Snodeo will begin at 7pm EST on Thurs. Jan 12th. Other events:

#BraaapCan Soundoff: Jan 13th @ 7pm

#SnowCow roundup: Jan 12,13,14th @ 11pm

#TwinSpar Show (qualifier): Jan 14th @ 6pm staging. 7pm show

You can also follow us on twitter @teamkesslers for live updates as the events unfold.


New member
Could someone explain what the "TwinSpar Show" is? What is a TwinSpar? I assume it's something other than the Arctic Cat Twin Spar chassis?

Or do I not need to know?


New member
Could someone explain what the "TwinSpar Show" is? What is a TwinSpar? I assume it's something other than the Arctic Cat Twin Spar chassis?

Or do I not need to know?

"I hate to be technical for both you and Twarc, but “spar” and all of its related variations including single twin and triple spars are the sole property of Arctic Cat Inc. Any other sled manufacturer trying to incorporate a spar into their design will, per the terms of Arctic Cat’s patent, be subject to 500,000 spar stabs (only 250,000 motions if a twin spar is used)."



New member
"I hate to be technical for both you and Twarc, but “spar” and all of its related variations including single twin and triple spars are the sole property of Arctic Cat Inc. Any other sled manufacturer trying to incorporate a spar into their design will, per the terms of Arctic Cat’s patent, be subject to 500,000 spar stabs (only 250,000 motions if a twin spar is used)."


Now I get it. Should be a good show!


New member
Am I getting reimbursed for the banned fireworks?? Thank you Cuzz and Fgsact for conferming that a RMK Pro is in the Spar group, I was concerned. :)


New member
Cuzz has no will power so he is just avoiding the whole scene. Wayne, sounds like this is the weekend you should have come to the Yoop. The frat house will be rockin' and Skylar, Scotty and the boys are at Krupps. We have room if you and Doug want to make a last minute run.


New member
Wish I could be there fellas. I am slowly working my way back into existence.

Have Braaptastic time!!!!
I feel a TK / T4T merger in the near future...I had a blast and i think everyone else did too!! the "Bent Rod Award" went to Hector for his near death back flip attempt on the Formula ZX doo....


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New member
The video is a classic. The award was earned and well deserved, lol. Good time guys. Thanks for the hospitality.