Tek Vest...recommendations????


I am looking at getting a Tek Vest and am looking for recommendations of what brand everyone likes. I am not a small guy; 230lbs. I am looking for what brand is the most comfortable yet still offers great protection. I heard sixsixone is nice...Klim?????
Thanks in advance for the input


New member
I wear the Tekvest Freestyle very comfy and a good insulator as well. Plus it takes the backpack load off my shoulders. Picked it up for $150 new last year from a local dealer.


New member
I wear a Klim and it is very comfortable. Dont even notice it is on.

I have gotten friendly with a tree or 2 and one time I hit an ice buckle and got slammed into the bars. Without the tek i am pretty sure broken ribs would have been involved in every incident. I never ride without it now. It also adds to core warmth.
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New member
I wear the Klim Tekvest. Money well spent the way I ride. lol Order the XL and you will be fine. They have a lot of adjustment.


New member
I have the bee wear tek vest...It is very comfortable. It does worked..Saved me from a stump and when I landed on my running boards. I got one after I knocked myself out and hurt my back and neck..almost broke it. I hit a fire pit with my ski (over I went)that was under six inches of fresh..We stay at a campground and just was in the wrong place at the wrong time.. Only problem is if you off trail ride, you will get warm so dress lightly...



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I use the Klim Tekvest, before that I had the super sport tekvest. Will not ride without it.


Well-known member
I use sixsixone core protector because it breaths & I go about 220 lbs & need to vent heat. At 230lbs I would look at sixsixone pressure suits. sixsixone runs a bit on the small side I thought. Any protection is better than none.