thank you JD


Well-known member
Thanks! This site has been a daily check-in during the season for years. Not sure how long but it's got to be pushing 20....


Active member
Absolutely! JD has been my "go to" site for forecasts since I picked up my first sled years ago and even before actually (600 RMK 144 - As my screen name would imply). I still remember my first ever trip to the B. Hills of SD in 2012. Me and a buddy had been watching John's forecast every single day. It was getting later into the season and we were starting to think the trip wouldn't happen. Finally on 2/22/2012 he posted a forecast that had the BHs getting hammered. We left the next morning. Some of the best snow I've ever hit!!!! I know it wasn't the UP, but he ABOSLUTELY hit the nail on the head with that one. And he is spot on more often than not (better than most forecasters anyway). Thank you John for all that you do!!!
The forecast is kind of a first go to when I fire up the computer in the office each day. Its like something is missing when its off season. I need a "John Dee Farm Central" with field cams to get crops planted and harvested each year.

Thanks John


Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for everything you do John! Yesterday was the 12 year anniversary of the epic April storm of 2007. You were talking about the event a week out, and my brother and I planned taking a vacation day on the Friday of that week, so we could be up there riding! With out you and your site, we may have never have known it happened!