The Anthony Verdict


New member
What a sad day concerning the justice that was sought for those involved in the death of a little girl. For casey to only be convicted of 4 counts of lying to a law enforcement officer is shame full. While being in law enforcement I agree that the state had a horrible case and presented such concerning a First Degree Murder charge. Her being found not guilty of Murder was no surprise. Throughout the trial I would tell others that I didnt believe that the state was meeting the burden for the First Degree charge. That burden is set very high and rightfully so when a guilty verdict has such serious consequences. Involuntary Manslaughter at the very least is what this woman and all her shenaigans was guilty of. The evidence that was presented clearly implicated her if not directly in the death of her daughter by accident or other means, clearly she was in possession of that little girls body after her death and for 31 days did NOTHING to assist in finding her or showed any emotion that she was gone. There is no reason in the world that someone would place duct tape over the mouth of any child that died of an accident. None. If it were a accident as presented by the defense, explain her behavior and the fact of not coming forward to give the daughter that she "now loved" according to the defense a proper burial??? Please.....THAT MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH as I write. The thought that she may be a free woman on Thursday is Horrible. I believe in our system of Justice for the most part. But a verdict as such just shows how flawed the jury system can be. Reading the transcripts that would come out daily clearly show the state met the burden for a Involuntary Manslaughter charge at the very least and I believe a Manslaughter charge. I hope the old adage "what goes around comes around" holds true for those responsible. Rest in Peace Caylee. At least in Gods arms you may live a life of truth and love.


New member
I totally agree with jerkbait 100%. He said it all and I have nothing else to add. Heard the verdict on the radio on my way home, good thing I did not get in an accident.


Active member
I'm not happy about the verdict but the prosecuter was going for Murder One. That means the death penalty. It appears obvious that there was not nearly enough evidence to convict her on that count. 10 hours of deliberation. That's it. They would have needed alot more, the smoking gun, to convict her. Heck, they wouldn't even convict her of Murder Two, Manslaughter or Aggravated assault of a minor! Insufficient evidence and poor case by the prosecution. It's not due to a poor justice system, it's due to a good justice system. Remember, innocent until PROVEN guilty!

For the record, I thought they would nail her for manslaughter.


Well-known member
Truely a disappointing outcome. :(Perhaps the defense cast enough of a shadow of doubt for the jury to make this decision. Nonetheless, she will have to answer to a higher power eventually & she may be freed, but she will never truely be free.-Mezz


Jury was worn out and burned out. They couldn't get a slam dunk guilty verdict so the quickest way home was acquitting the felonies and find guilty on the misdemeanors.

Justice was not served.


Active member
Truely a disappointing outcome. :(Perhaps the defense cast enough of a shadow of doubt for the jury to make this decision. Nonetheless, she will have to answer to a higher power eventually & she may be freed, but she will never truely be free.-Mezz

I agree. She'll get hers!

Just look at OJ. They found him innocent but he got what was coming to him.

No matter what your take is, just remember, a poor innocent child is dead and that is the bottom line.


Well-known member
I all know is that **** is going to get rich for killing her kid and not 1 dime will go back to the state {orlando tax payer]for paying for that ****'s defence.but 1 thing I now know if you want to get away with killing some one do it in FL or L.A
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New member
Jury was worn out and burned out. They couldn't get a slam dunk guilty verdict so the quickest way home was acquitting the felonies and find guilty on the misdemeanors.

Justice was not served.

I disagree. To make a case without the slam dunk as you say, you have to have a flawless case. If you make one mistake, you blow the case. This prosecution crew made nothing but mistakes from the start. They should have never tried for first degree. That was their first mistake. They were hoping for an emotional verdict and did not get it. That was their second mistake. They gambled with this case and that is the travesty here. Then you add up all the smoke and mirror stunts they tried and the Jury saw through it and came to the correct verdict. This is the justice system at its finest. As DaveB posted, “Better 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man be condemned" ~ Thomas Jefferson
My rights and an American to be judged by a jury and not the media was upheld and I applaud the hard work the jury did in this case.


New member
"better that a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent be condemed" what a sobering reminder of the virtues we all experience by living under our system of justice... I couldn't agree more. Perhaps what bothers me the most is that Casey is clearly guilty of something involving the death of little caylee. I agree that had the prosecutor charged and prosecuted that case that they HAD and not the one the WISHED they had perhaps a different outcome would have occurred and some justice would have prevailed. Just like the Blagovich trials. Not guilty the first time around when the prosecution reached for the stars, guilty the second time around when they boiled the case down to what they really had. MESSED UP ALL THE WAY AROUND PERIOD in both cases. Just the idea of this woman returning to the streets with all of us and most of all HAVING more children is beyond belief. So many lives destroyed in this mess and we still know nothing more about the death. As a cop who has spent many years in investigations I can only imagine what those officers and investigators feel after putting so much heart and work into this case. Yah there was one knuckle head that prehaps may have cost them the case who was fired from being a cop while all this was going on. But to have a "manslaughter" (it was hard not to write Murder) walking free around your community is a tough one to swallow.


Well-known member
You would think out of jury of 12 people 1 person would of held out to hang the jury & retry the case. It is shameful this jury could not connect the dots & find Casey guilty of at least manslaughter of her daughter. Casey threw her family under the bus & has no support system so her life out of jail will be difficult. Casey is a very sick person & should not be free to walk the streets among us. Casey will break the law again just a matter of time & she will be back in jail just like OJ.


New member
You would think out of jury of 12 people 1 person would of held out to hang the jury & retry the case. It is shameful this jury could not connect the dots & find Casey guilty of at least manslaughter of her daughter. Casey threw her family under the bus & has no support system so her life out of jail will be difficult. Casey is a very sick person & should not be free to walk the streets among us. Casey will break the law again just a matter of time & she will be back in jail just like OJ. man wins the prize!

Being around the legal brains in the family all my life, there is one very resounding thing to remember here......

You NEVER know what a jury is going to do. It is why lawyers settle all the time, and why insurance companies pay out huge sums of money.

What we really need to realize is that the defense, HIT the JACKPOT with this jury....a perfect storm for the defense. Plant doubt, play on sympathies, and hope for a hail mary!

It is entirely probable, that if this trial were to be run all over with 12 and 2, the outcome would be completely different...and as whitey says...a hung jury at the least.

Also I believe that in Murder 1 cases, the jury can by statue bring back a lesser verdict, unless the prosecution dictates that it must be #1....

But that didn't happen....

My last 2 cents worth says that the prosecution didn't get it done, by laying the ground work for the fact that there is NO way to prove positive HOW she died, and that all the other evidence simply means that you have to connect the dots. They don't have to have a smoking gun...if the evidences are solid enough without it.

Ah, but hind-site is 20/20, and folks need to remember that the jury is not only the only thing....but it is everything.


New member man wins the prize!

Being around the legal brains in the family all my life, there is one very resounding thing to remember here......

You NEVER know what a jury is going to do. It is why lawyers settle all the time, and why insurance companies pay out huge sums of money.

What we really need to realize is that the defense, HIT the JACKPOT with this jury....a perfect storm for the defense. Plant doubt, play on sympathies, and hope for a hail mary!

It is entirely probable, that if this trial were to be run all over with 12 and 2, the outcome would be completely different...and as whitey says...a hung jury at the least.

Also I believe that in Murder 1 cases, the jury can by statue bring back a lesser verdict, unless the prosecution dictates that it must be #1....

But that didn't happen....

My last 2 cents worth says that the prosecution didn't get it done, by laying the ground work for the fact that there is NO way to prove positive HOW she died, and that all the other evidence simply means that you have to connect the dots. They don't have to have a smoking gun...if the evidences are solid enough without it.

Ah, but hind-site is 20/20, and folks need to remember that the jury is not only the only thing....but it is everything.

****, I could have cast the shadow of a doubt in this case. The prosecutor and detectives dropped the ball big time. Best they should have asked for is involuntary manslaughter. And the use of technics never used before to make your case? Really? Their ducks were never even close to being in a row! The sad part about justice not being served lies on the prosecutor. I would hope if I were on trial I would have such a well-informed jury. They used the rule of law and not their emotions.


Active member
"Better 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man be condemned"

Thomas Jefferson
Keeping that in mind, consider the number of documented cases of folks that have bene convicted and spent decades in prison, only to have modern technology, like DNA testing, prove that they were not guilty.

Then consider the number of folks who have been executed, over the years, for whom no amount of DNA testing will right the wrong that has been done to them. Not a pleasant thought.

"Ooops!" doesn't quite cut it.

Kinda makes you want to rethink the death penalty.


Active member
My opinion goes both ways on this. Personally, I think she was guilty. In a way, however, I'm happy that the justice system requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It appears that there was some doubt in the minds of the jurors, and that was enough to not convict.


New member
i don't watch tv,only johndee and a couple others.i have only heard pieces but what a shame. what kind of person does that to another, especially your own.she will get hers in the end. i feel bad when i make someone else feel bad.