New member
What a sad day concerning the justice that was sought for those involved in the death of a little girl. For casey to only be convicted of 4 counts of lying to a law enforcement officer is shame full. While being in law enforcement I agree that the state had a horrible case and presented such concerning a First Degree Murder charge. Her being found not guilty of Murder was no surprise. Throughout the trial I would tell others that I didnt believe that the state was meeting the burden for the First Degree charge. That burden is set very high and rightfully so when a guilty verdict has such serious consequences. Involuntary Manslaughter at the very least is what this woman and all her shenaigans was guilty of. The evidence that was presented clearly implicated her if not directly in the death of her daughter by accident or other means, clearly she was in possession of that little girls body after her death and for 31 days did NOTHING to assist in finding her or showed any emotion that she was gone. There is no reason in the world that someone would place duct tape over the mouth of any child that died of an accident. None. If it were a accident as presented by the defense, explain her behavior and the fact of not coming forward to give the daughter that she "now loved" according to the defense a proper burial??? Please.....THAT MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH as I write. The thought that she may be a free woman on Thursday is Horrible. I believe in our system of Justice for the most part. But a verdict as such just shows how flawed the jury system can be. Reading the transcripts that would come out daily clearly show the state met the burden for a Involuntary Manslaughter charge at the very least and I believe a Manslaughter charge. I hope the old adage "what goes around comes around" holds true for those responsible. Rest in Peace Caylee. At least in Gods arms you may live a life of truth and love.