The Fitzgerald Anniversary (34 years ago)


New member
Lightfoot has a song called "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" and it goes thorugh my mind often when I'm riding, espically when I'm on an old railroad bed - those tracks weren't put down for sledding originally but I sure appreciate the work that was done back then...makes for great trails now....


New member
Fusion - sounds like that might be Michael McCloud from the Schooner Wharf. He has a similar voice and could pull off that song well.


Randoo, the name of the place sounds very familiar, but I don't recall the vocalist at all. We would not have stopped at this place had it not been for hearing the song, we were just walking by, but it was so good it drew us in. It was one of those moments in life that get locked in to memory and you never forget. I intend to get back down there over the next few years and I'm going to ask around to find the guy if he's still around.


New member
fredster that's a great song. I remember back in 1988 traveling between Moose Jaw and Calgary heading into the twilight of the day. I was 19 and with 3 of my good buddies going to Banff/Jasper to camp. We were playing Gord's Gold with that song playing as a very long train was to our left going about the same speed as us. It was one of those moments that whenever I hear that song anymore it seems to take me back to that moment/feeling.

For those Gordon fans that want to find another great song of his, check this one out