The Groomers Coming


New member
Hey, everyone a big favor and just plow right over those idiots. Better you do that than they whack somebody else on the trail.

All I can say is if they are going so fast that they come around a curve, over a hill, or 110 mph on a straight-away with a crossing and hit one of you guys...well, great...just get up, wipe off the blood and plastic and keep going. You did us all a favor.

I just wished that a groomer would come along about every twenty minutes or so.... so that the born to be wild riders would have to do the right thing or sprout wings.

Would go a long way to keep'n em off MY side of the trail.

Course you might have to carry a bunch of white crosses sos the family could come and visit the spot in the summer.

I spend so little time on trails, but I always seem to have at least one encounter anyway of someone who has eyes that are 3 feet around as they go fishtailing by and can't believe someone ELSE was on the trail with them.

Maybe you can put like little symbols on the groomer like in world war 2 showing how many you dusted off??? Nice convesation starter, and those who respect groomers could point at them and say..."gee whiz, that guy sure is experienced...look at all those"...


This may be my opinion but I don't think groomers are lighted enough. I mean sure they have the big spotlights, I am talking about the warning lights such as strobes and lightbars. On some of them all I have seen is one strobe light on the tractor. They need to have at least 4 warning lights on the whole rig 2 on the tractor and 2 on the drag. They should be lit up like a Christmas tree with orange flashing lights.

Here is an example of what I am talking about.


New member
Problem with that is the fact that when you are grooming you don't need some stobelight working your eyes all night long.

Ever plow snow with one going? After while your eyes get tired of that strobe goin and it is really fatiguing to the person who is trying to see where he is going and how the rig is doing. strobes are bright and looking into them is hard on your eyeballs.

Maybe plenty of marker lights....don't see the harm in that...but strobes....NO!


Problem with that is the fact that when you are grooming you don't need some stobelight working your eyes all night long.

Ever plow snow with one going? After while your eyes get tired of that strobe goin and it is really fatiguing to the person who is trying to see where he is going and how the rig is doing. strobes are bright and looking into them is hard on your eyeballs.

Maybe plenty of marker lights....don't see the harm in that...but strobes....NO!

LED's are much easier on the eyes :) I can take about 4 hours of plowing with all my strobes on, I can plow for 20+ with LED's. Strobes are nice during the day to grab people attention though :)

Running Bear

New member
Boy is Bear gonna be glad he sparked some interest...hopefully someone out there will see something they didn't know.....his 7 hr run from 6am to 1 has now turned into a 12 hr run during the day....oh I'm sure he's gonna have fun...maybe he'll run into t660redrocket or woodi that would make his day..:).....I hear groomer drivers like beef sticks...candy...snacks....too

Linda.. Mrs Bear

PS....nice pics stealthv...always wondered how many albums we're in


New member
One thing to add with the bright lights it is hard to see the operator in the cab.
A small green light meaning go would be great but I know where do you stop running wire and chit to work on.


I always pull over and be polite unless I am in the Watersmeet area. In that case I bend over, drop the bibs, and moon him (or her)!

Hi Mike and Linda!


New member
One of my guys got flipped off last night because he wouldn't get the groomer off the trail so the sled could get by! Isn't the first time. I think I remember hearing something about not biting the hand that feeds you once....
Think Snow! -Dave

Running Bear

New member
I tell ya....what some people will do to the groomer......and dcsnomo thats happened to me before....late at night 4 guys......and boy were they suprised when I flipped the cab light on and they saw a woman driving....pants went up and they girls.......I dont know why they thought to do that to the groomer ?............turns out the next night I was bartending at Rogers Bar and they came in........ended up to be a good time for all....and pretty does amaze you what people will do to the groomer


Well-known member
Now that is funny Bear! I try to get the guys to pee off trail a bit. Always a FR or 2 to duck in. After raising 4 daughters I just think no little girls on a 2up need to see that stuff. We can do better than peeing on groomed trail. Also thought this might be worth a dedicated post so people think about it.


New member
Hey Running Bear, Your job isn't as bad as i thought. now that i know u get sues chille at rogers whenever u want it. thats some of the best stuff around. say hi 2 sue&greg from greg&sue in new london wi.


as an operator, I have seen the sleds pull over and off the trail quickly before I can come to a stop, if that is the case I 'll go by them. Typically I am keeping a close watch and spot them far enough in advance that I am already pulled over and they see the route to take. Sometimes sledders need to be patient and wait a moment or two for the groomer to find a spot to pull over. Sometimes were in a gradual curve and if the drag tracks wide there is no room to get around. So, if your a sledder and you come up behind a groomer and you see he keeps going, I am sure he see you and is looking for a spot for enough room for both to fit by. A few times at night I have seen a bunch of sledder way up in front stop and wait for me but I don't go because I cannot see if they are off the trail so what I do is get far enough over and flash my lights at them and then they go. As I just said, I want to make the decision if they are out of the way enough, they may think they are but I know I will be
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