The Itch!


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Let the itch begin!!


New member
For me the itch began over 35 years ago, and it has never stopped.

Spent many of Sundays watching out the front window for the Chrysler station Wagon pulling the 4 place trailer loaded with Ski-doo's to pull in. Just so I could ask my Dad and brothers: How was the trip? Did anyone crash? When can I go? Steve, did you run into the back of the car again? (Dad told him not to go too fast the first time he was allowed to load his own sled on the trailer. He drove it right into the back end of the Chrysler)Seems like every week I would help carry those Egg shaped hoods to the basement for some fresh fiberglass repair and a fresh coat of Ski-Doo yellow paint.

Ohh when my dad brought home that new Allouette Jr. Brute for me, that was the beginning of my freedom.

Now, all summer long when riding the Harley, what are the most of my thoughts while riding??

Imagining that the road I'm on was a freshly groomed trail.


New member
I first got hooked 10 years ago when a friend ask me to go with him. Never been right since, now I have my wife and kids, mom and dad, uncle and his 2 boys hooked! Priceless!


Well-known member
g eich - you said it right..."never been right since." I ride about 8 days a year, and think about the rest. Living in central indiana, if I had any sense, I'd get interested in something else.


New member
ooooh my gosh!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> I cant wait!


The itch has been all summer for me really getting bad with this cooler weather. Sunday cleaned the carb on my neighbors snowblower for him and today dug the kid's Kitty Cat out of storage and cleaned the carb and checked everything over.
Maybe in a couple of weeks going to bring my two older sleds home to start working on them.


New member
The itch started to be scratched for me this past Saturday when we went out to my buddy's farm where my son's sled is stored. After a lot of pulling it fired up. The problem is now I am itching even worse. Mine and the wife's I won't mess with for another couple of months IF I can wait that long.


New member
<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> yes! The wedding is over, getting cooler at night, and the bikes are almost done with for the year! Time to get the sleds in my shop!


New member
September 1st and the cooler weather is always the start of the itch for me. And with the magazines starting back up just adds fuel to the fire. Snow Rocks!


New member
I got the itch - not a good one, but I think it's because I was up in Hurley quading a few weeks ago. Same symptoms from when I visit up there during the sledding season. Who knows!

But seriusly smooth trails are callin my name. Back in December of 05, the season opener up there was perfect for riding - had to do a little grooming yourself though.


New member
While I enjoy my quads and my old Jeep, nothing compares to the sleds.

I actually picked up the sport reluctantly about 6 years ago, I used to think it was just a way to get from bar to bar but my Uncle built a place up north and bought a couple, then we rented one more(a 2up) for a weekend and we all went north for the weekend. 300 miles and 14 inches of snow later I was hooked. Now my wife and oldest son ride as well.

Last year my 10 year old made one of those paper chains and every day cut off one link until it was Dec 1st. We go to the Novi Sled Show as a family to check everything out. Last year the wife helped stud the track of her own sled.

My sled will be coming out in the next week or so and getting a new top end.

Then the real itching will begin!!!!

In the meantime I still run Doo oil thru the weedwacker to get my fix.


I guess I am just one the sick ones, I've been praying for snow since the last ride last year at the end of April in Da UP Eh!!I am on the sled sights everyday, multiple times, always looking for a deal on parts or some new photos to peruse......Call me nuts