Work from home you can live anywhere. For example Eagle River schools grew over 100 students during Covid. Will Mom and Pop stay IDK but they haven’t moved on yet. Also people are leaving cities in mass. Chicago had a mob wipe out a convenience store over a weekend teenagers brawling in the streets a good reason to move as far north as possible. Lol.I hear you loud and clear. My first house I bought in 2016 for $130k, sold in 2020 for $225k, bought my second house in 2020 for $350k and could probably sell for close to $450k as it stands. I am fully aware of real estate appreciation.
I’m not trying to say owning a 2nd home is a “bad idea” by any means. It is truly a dream/goal of mine. Just stating there is a lot of considerations that need to go into the buying process. I would guesstimate $3000 might be close to average for property tax for someone with a 2nd home? $3000x40 years is $120k. Again, I’ll never spend $120k in lodging in 40 years time. But I’m also not a northwoods summer guy that wants to be on the water, so my use would be limited and seasonal.
With the younger generation (my generation) struggling to afford home ownership, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for “up north” vacation homes.