well its already NUTS, back in late early Jan, things were almost double , or already past double on many things,
like fertilizer and other chemical and other things, like parts , basic repair wear and tear parts on equipment is thru the roof as well, just doing basic pre season machine PM's has costs WAY up there, simple things like fuel filters have more than doubles in many cases !, going from like 30 bucks to 150 or more on some? I helped replace this Jan! and even worse cannot get parts due to out of stock and NO clue when getting them!
and that was a few months back now, add in this war crap and the BS being throw about driving prices up!
I don;t farm anymore, but I still help friends that do and they update me on things . as I chat with them at times, and the costs for them this year will be an All time record high and then some
the effects will be pretty hard on all come harvest time this up coming fall, might even be a bunch of farmers that cannot even afford to plant this yr, making prices even higher as less crops will be grown!
add in current inflation on prices , and its just beginning to get nuts!
the worst is yet to come, if you ask m!
and it might be a LOT more than many think it will !