The Revenue Machine


New member
You have an incredible ability to state the obvious.

You broke the law and got caught. So you had to pay the fine. What you did may not have been hazardous, but it was illegal and you had to pay the price.

I find it amazing when people break the law and then whine about having to pay the price for their action.


New member
No, I wasn't the only one who got caught, the Warden told me right out that I could split the fine with the person in front of me who commited the same violation.


So send in half the amount of the fine and just put a little note in with it stating what the warden said.

I am sure that will be fine.


Off the MI DNR's website / WI DNR Website

MI DNR - A Person Shall Not Operate a Snowmobile:

On the frozen surface of public waters within 100 feet of a person, including a skater, not in or upon a snowmobile or within 100 feet of a fishing shanty or shelter except at the minimum speed required to maintain forward movement of the snowmobile, or on an area that has been cleared for ice skating, unless the area is necessary for gaining access to the public water.

WI DNR - Distance, Hours and Speed Restrictions

When you are riding a snowmobile within 100-feet of a person who
is not on a snowmobile, or in or on a vehicle, or when you are riding
within 100-feet of an ice fishing shanty, you must slow your snowmobile
to 10-mph or less and yield the right-of-way, except when you are
operating on a privately owned raceway facility.

I'm assuming if I need to go by a fishing shanty at less then 100 feet - for instance going to the hoop - I may do so as long as I go slow. Another great example is Shawano Lake. In same bays it's a city out there with all the shantys. I've always gone slow and never had a problem -even when being watched by the DNR.

I've read this whole post and I think I'm missing something. He's my take. If you buz a shanty/person/skater you deserve a ticket. If you go slow and are respectful you shouldn't have a problem. So my question is the DNR writing tickets for going slow because the regs. state you can???


New member
What about all the side of the road trails. Wow could the DNR write a lot of tickets.
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New member
I think this should be in the "Stupid should be painful" catagory for everyone. If the DNR is setting traps rather than enforcing laws they will have alot of local businesses angry. No one will want to return to the area and business will go down. If the ice fishermen, and women, are using packed snowmobile trail to access the lake they will get discouraged by all of the traffic. And if the sledders are not slowing down when approaching "anything" on the lake they will end up in the hospital or with a ticket. Being both a ice fisherman and a snowmobiler I am on both sides of this issue. Two years ago I put my shanty out before the lake trail markers were out. Now I have had my shanty in the same place for years. It is roughly 250_300' from where the trail usually is marked and we do not fish that side of the shanty (drop off into the main part of the lake). The shanty is marked like anything should be left out on the lake. Now for some reason the club set the trail markers with in 100' of my shanty that year. I was a little concerned about safety but I have a very well marked shanty. When I came back for New Years I had a guest at my shanty! It was the local DNR. They informed me that I had my shanty too close to the marked snowmobile trail. After I went to the house and brought back my digital camera showing me ice fishing on that very location in December(without trail markers put up) he still had the balls to tell me to move it!!! Who's in the right??? Point being, We all have to respect one another. If an ice fisherman sets tip ups out on the trial he should be ready to replace them when they are ran over( at any speed). If the snowmobiler thinks it's Ok to roar by people ice fishing in common use area he/she should be ready for tickets or injury. And the worst senario, If the DNR finds it better to "trap" rather than enforce they should be ready to get an ear full by locals that depend on both sledders and ice fishing for their income.
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New member
If you are driving to/from your own shanty you would think you would be going slow anyways. In continuation the the story, My shanty is basically and warming hut. Windows all the way around and is elevated off the ice by 2x12 runners so you can basically see right under the shanty. NO HOLES IN THE FLOOR!!! We set tips up across a sunken island so we are covering 200x200'. This DNR warden has tried to sneak up on us for the past 5 years and catch us fishing from inside the shanty (Not possible and very visible that we can't). The last time he came flying up on his snowmobile (I should have made a citizens arrest for speed) to catch us I almost got arrested because I was laughing at him so much that I couldn't even talk to him.


I've got a similar story from last year. Myself, my wife, my sister, her boyfriend, and family friend were all fishing together on Okauchee Lake. All of us are Late 20's and the freind is early 60's. We had trucks out on the ice in an L shape to block the wind wnd my wife and sister were in a protable shanty in the "L". We each had 3 tip ups out (legal in wi) except for the girls who each had 2 t-ups and a jig pole. No drinking, everyone had licenses, and we had been out since 5 am.

It was around noon and I was just starting to grill some burgers. All of a sudden I hear an ATV approching. No big deal - I thought.

Well it ended up being 2 ATV's coming around a point towards the "L" in the trucks on the opposiste side of us. As I was looking up the first ATV hits the breaks as almost slides into my truck. The second one hits the breaks and almost slides into the shanty. There wasn't a lot of snow on the ice.

3 angry men at that point in time start approching the "idiots". Well the idiots turned out to be wardens. They're excuse was that if they approached slowly we could have pulled in our extra lines. Let's just say the conversation went down hill. No-one was cited but someone(s) should have been.

However, I have had a lot more positives with the DNR as far as fishing/hunting/snowmobiling then I have negatives. It all depends on the person/people and the situation.


MI DNR - A Person Shall Not Operate a Snowmobile:

On the frozen surface of public waters within 100 feet of a person, including a skater, not in or upon a snowmobile or within 100 feet of a fishing shanty or shelter except at the minimum speed required to maintain forward movement of the snowmobile

This definitely needs to be worded better. Does that mean within 100 feet of a fishing shanty or fishing shelter.....or does it mean within 100 feet of a fishing shanty or shelter of any kind?

Obviously the primary use of this one was not for fishing.


New member
Stayin' Clear of em'

Our group have always had an agreement to stay clear of the shanty's. I would not want to spoil their[fisherman]fishing enjoyment, and would not like a DNR agent spoiling my week of snowmobiling. It should be in the DNR's interest to train,teach and inform the public of laws of their state. Not to write a money grabbin' ticket that teaches nothing to anyone. If I was doing something stupid such as DWD or excessive speed after dark then I should get ticketed. But to build an Agent's ego by his harsh talking and writing citations, then I'll start next years trip in Idaho. jmo.