Off the MI DNR's website / WI DNR Website
MI DNR - A Person Shall Not Operate a Snowmobile:
On the frozen surface of public waters within 100 feet of a person, including a skater, not in or upon a snowmobile or within 100 feet of a fishing shanty or shelter except at the minimum speed required to maintain forward movement of the snowmobile, or on an area that has been cleared for ice skating, unless the area is necessary for gaining access to the public water.
WI DNR - Distance, Hours and Speed Restrictions
When you are riding a snowmobile within 100-feet of a person who
is not on a snowmobile, or in or on a vehicle, or when you are riding
within 100-feet of an ice fishing shanty, you must slow your snowmobile
to 10-mph or less and yield the right-of-way, except when you are
operating on a privately owned raceway facility.
I'm assuming if I need to go by a fishing shanty at less then 100 feet - for instance going to the hoop - I may do so as long as I go slow. Another great example is Shawano Lake. In same bays it's a city out there with all the shantys. I've always gone slow and never had a problem -even when being watched by the DNR.
I've read this whole post and I think I'm missing something. He's my take. If you buz a shanty/person/skater you deserve a ticket. If you go slow and are respectful you shouldn't have a problem. So my question is the DNR writing tickets for going slow because the regs. state you can???