The Snowies trip in January


New member
WOW, don't shoot me ! altough i did reread my post and i deserve it , I was just repeating what i was told. for the record myself and my wife both have beacons,shovels,probes been to avy class and know how to use them, WHICH is a big part! also trained in CPR and working on my cert in wilderness first responder, that being said i don't take safety lightly. the only reason that i posted that, i was told that there is plenty of area's to play in the flats but if you are going to unload and head to the widowmaker with a group first thing than you better be prepared\trained

good call....not shooting ya just worried about gettin the word out


New member
Cuzz, can you post your things to bring list in your back pack here. It would be helpful just to run through it again. I will be bringing an extra set of probes and shovel to loan out. A snoscoop from is an afordable way to dig. I will bring 2 to loan out.


New member
Carter Sez.....

This is for the riders who are in question on BEACONS. That beacon is not FOR you. It belongs to the guy you are asked to help rescue. His beacon belongs to you that he might rescue you. And on and on and on........We got a saying out here in the west, " Don't have a beacon, don't come." Simple.....We want you to stay at home enjoying your family and friends. We do not want to dig for people. Simple... You wear a helmut, you wear gloves, you ride a sled, YOU HAVE A BEACON, PROBES AND SHOVEL. This ends the sermon for today....


New member
Looks like there is a chance of snow out there after the weekend let's hope they start getting dumped on soon!

10 weeks 3 days 9 hours!


Well-known member
Cuzz, can you post your things to bring list in your back pack here. It would be helpful just to run through it again. I will be bringing an extra set of probes and shovel to loan out. A snoscoop from is an afordable way to dig. I will bring 2 to loan out.

Backpack –
1. 2 pairs of gloves
2. Socks
3. 2 pairs of extra goggles
4. Beanie hat
5. Hand warmers
6. Swedish Firesteel (fire starter)
7. Parachute Cord
8. Stainless steel cup
9. First aid stuff
10. Shovel
11. Saw
12. Excedrin/Asprin
13. Warm weather liner for my Klim helmet
14. Toilet paper
15. Heetsheet
16. Emergency Sleeping Bag
17. Tampons (excellent fire starter if dipped in gas)
18. Torch lighter
19. Flare gun
20. Power Bars
21. Instant Oatmeal
22. Beef jerky
23. Chocolate
24. Extra under garments on those cold days
25. Leatherman Tool
26. Batteries
27. Matches
28. Chapstick
29. Cell Phone
30. Strobe Light

On Sled -
1. Spare gas
2. GPS
3. Snow Bunje
4. Tools
5. Flashlight
6. Compass
7. Tow rope
8. Glow stick
9. Duct tape
10. Different sizes in zip ties
11. Local trail maps
12. Hand warmers
13. Water/Gatorade
14. Red ribbon
15. Bolts
16. Hand warmers
17. Gloves
18. Goggles
19. Wire
20. Pipe Clamps

There is a lot that some carry. This is what I feel is needed and I'm sure others can suggest more. My list might grow before this trip so we'll see.


Active member
There are many areas in the snowies where you could technically ride safely without the threat of avalanche. I think this gives a false sense of security to many people who go there. I have seen several backcountry "hills" slide there. I'm talking hills that you would never think in a million years would have a chance to slide. There is one hill in particular that slides almost everyyear, some of you may know of it,"Seven Fools". The hill is not intimidating at all and a lot of newbies think its a great hill to practice their mountain skills on. What they don't know is what lies beneath. A grassy knoll with no trees to hold the snow back. I'm sure theres more than seven fools who wish they had their life back! The point is, to ride anywhere out west without a beacon is just plain foolish. As Carter stated, the beacon is not for you its for your buried friend and vice versa.


Super Moderator
Staff member
My brother and I just signed up for Mike's avalanche class today, along with my buddy Joe and his son.


New member
Another Beacon Lead

The Engelhart Center, Madison Wi.

Hey I took Mike's class last year, and he sends out discounts on riding and avy gear through one of his website. It has $45 off BCA TRacker 2 and $35 off BCA DTS beacons. I copied details below for you from email I got. From what I found the last few weeks on the web, this is the best deal I could find. Discount codes you have to use are also listed. Check it out....

This site provides the gear I recommend in class. “Tried, tested and selected” by Mike Duffy.
These guys have been in business for 15 years and have a 100% guarantee. I recommend them since everything on the site is something I would use and have used. No Junk!

They are a big advocate of avalanche education and provide the following discounts for having taken the class.
Avalanche packs by ABS, BCA, Snowpulse. $45 off. Discount code: ISC2010D expires 12/12/10.
$45 off recommended beacons. Discount code: ISC2010
Expires 12/12/10.

$35 off BCA Tracker. Discount code: ISC2010A expires 12/12/10

Or Get a FREE BCA Companion EXT shovel with the purchase of any beacon ($55 value!)Look under ”package deals” .Discount code: ISC2010B expires 12/12/10

Or 15% Off entire order of $400. (Cannot be used with any other discount or on avalanche packs). Discount code: ISC2010C. expires 12/12/10
Rescue and survival gear, probes, Helmet cams, head lamps, first aid kits, saws, and more.
How to use discount:
-go to
-select the items, “Add to cart”
-Enter discount code from above.
-For free shovel with beacon, click on “package deals” in upper left og home page, then enter discount code.
***Your account is not charged until shipped.
Hope everyone has a great winter! Mike Duffy
If you ever have a question about avalanches or gear, please feel free to contact me at:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Holy Cow, Xfire....just checked this out and that by far is best deal, even beats Duffy's for the BCA Beacons....

WOW is that cheap for the tracker2. I've been waiting to find a good deal on a tracker1, used ones are bringing 175-200. So, I just bought the tracker 2. Thanks for the link Xfire!


New member

WOW is that cheap for the tracker2. I've been waiting to find a good deal on a tracker1, used ones are bringing 175-200. So, I just bought the tracker 2. Thanks for the link Xfire!

your welcome, they have great prices on probes and shovels also if need them. just look..



New member
Beacon Sweet Deal til 12 PM EST TODAY

They also have the tracker 1 for $239!!

EMS has additional 10% off until 12 PM EST today. Thats $215 for a Tracker DTS or $241 for a Tracker 2. with free shipping. Just ordered mine. XFire you have a beer waiting at the Old Corral......:D


Super Moderator
Staff member
EMS has additional 10% off until 12 PM EST today. Thats $215 for a Tracker DTS or $241 for a Tracker 2. with free shipping. Just ordered mine. XFire you have a beer waiting at the Old Corral......:D

How did you get that Bill? Dang, I ordered mine last night.