Another Beacon Lead
The Engelhart Center, Madison Wi.
Hey I took Mike's class last year, and he sends out discounts on riding and avy gear through one of his website. It has $45 off BCA TRacker 2 and $35 off BCA DTS beacons. I copied details below for you from email I got. From what I found the last few weeks on the web, this is the best deal I could find. Discount codes you have to use are also listed. Check it out....
This site provides the gear I recommend in class. “Tried, tested and selected” by Mike Duffy.
These guys have been in business for 15 years and have a 100% guarantee. I recommend them since everything on the site is something I would use and have used. No Junk!
They are a big advocate of avalanche education and provide the following discounts for having taken the class.
Avalanche packs by ABS, BCA, Snowpulse. $45 off. Discount code: ISC2010D expires 12/12/10.
$45 off recommended beacons. Discount code: ISC2010
Expires 12/12/10.
$35 off BCA Tracker. Discount code: ISC2010A expires 12/12/10
Or Get a FREE BCA Companion EXT shovel with the purchase of any beacon ($55 value!)Look under ”package deals” .Discount code: ISC2010B expires 12/12/10
Or 15% Off entire order of $400. (Cannot be used with any other discount or on avalanche packs). Discount code: ISC2010C. expires 12/12/10
Rescue and survival gear, probes, Helmet cams, head lamps, first aid kits, saws, and more.
How to use discount:
-go to
-select the items, “Add to cart”
-Enter discount code from above.
-For free shovel with beacon, click on “package deals” in upper left og home page, then enter discount code.
***Your account is not charged until shipped.
Hope everyone has a great winter! Mike Duffy
If you ever have a question about avalanches or gear, please feel free to contact me at: