Thieves on the loose in Green Bay!!!!


Im working down in SC this month an I get a frantic call from my wife at about 7:00 in the morning last Friday. My Stealth inline with both Vipers in it is now in the road with a bent front tongue wheel and the police are here. Apparently, some low life dirtbags hooked up to the safety chains and pulled it down the driveway to the road. There they tried hooking up but the coupler was locked along with all the doors. My neighbor saw this happening at about 6:00 am when he left for work and thought it was me. It was a dark truck, possibly a Ford. My other neighbor saw the same truck parked two houses away at about 2:30 am. Must have been staking out the job. When the police got there they thought the wind blew it there, but that was before the wife talked to the neighbors. I'm glad I remembered to lock it all up. Damn dirtbags!!!! I now have a wheel boot coming and a better coupler lock on its way. I have no use for scum like that and if I would have been home, their truck would have felt the rath of my 12 gauge!! Be on the lookout for a dark truck snooping around the neighborhoods in Green Bay and if you see them, call it in. And for gods sake lock up your toys!!!

Glad they didn't get your trailer or sleds. Very shocking I bet for your wife to see the trailer sitting in the street. I just have a pad lock on my coupler, doors are unlocked but it's empty. Sleds are in the garage at the moment. Low life scum, if they put as much effort into working for toys they wouldn't have to steal them.


Well-known member
Good to hear they didn't get far!!
Besides padlocking the coupler I also take a old trailer ball and cut the shank off. That way they can't just dropped it on a modified ball and take off.

Go Fast or Go Home

Active member
Glad they didn't get your trailer---Though I agree with you on the 12 gauge, the police will not, and you will be in more trouble than the thieves. The laws in this Country seem to give more right to the criminals...Sad state of affairs.
Glad they didn't get your trailer---Though I agree with you on the 12 gauge, the police will not, and you will be in more trouble than the thieves. The laws in this Country seem to give more right to the criminals...Sad state of affairs.

I believe Wisconsin enacted a Castle Doctrine and also several trespasser liability laws sometime in 2010/11 so probably be safe in GB to use a 12 gauge against some scumbag on your property stealing your stuff. I don't know all of the specifics of the law but you're prob safer in WI to protect your belonings than some others?



Cameras are getting cheaper all the time. Not as messy as a 12 gauge and you won't go to jail.


Well-known member
Nothing worse than a damn thief... Sorry for the bad experience..
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New member
Bears fans in town already?

Not a chance, even Bears fans who ride aren't that low. I suggest Lojack on the trailers or a GPS unit. Cheap insurance for your stuff. Lojack is a one time fee and the GPS is dirt cheap, plus you can use it on several different toys. All I know is if my stuff comes up missing they will be in for a surprise within the hour or so.


Active member
Nothing worth [sic] than a damn thief... Sorry for the bad experience..
Sorry for the bad experience?… and the bad spelling? Or has your "thpelling" developed a "lithp" thith morning? :p
(Ooops, sweeperguy beat me to it! <drat!>)



Active member
I use a "ball coupler " style lock and feed a link from both chains in the "u" bolt to prevent them from using the chains to drag it. Darn lowlifes.


Well-known member
Oop:) Meant to say worse:)

It'th OK, we all make typos.

Don't keep my sleds in the trailer but I still use a wheel boot setup and trailer ball lock. Trailer isn't worth a lot but it want to avoid the hassle of replacing it.