Thin skinned McCarthy has 22 year Green Bay employee fired


New member
It sounds like he is getting a Capt. Queeg-like psychosis. Paranoia, inferiority, incompetency= schizophrenia!! It's "The Caine Mutiny" all over again, only now it's happening on the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field!!


New member
They ain't firing no one...that whole fricken organization has too big a horse apple head to allow brett to look like he was right!! They need to clean house! Damage control before its too late!


New member
I called the Packers switch board number at 920.569.7500, operator answered.

I asked to be transferred to someone in administration. She asked what my call was in regards to so that she could transfer me to the appropriate person.

I told her I was calling to "voice my concern over the article today in the MSJ regarding the employee who was fired for alleged comments to the coach".

She replied, "I'll transfer you to our comment line." I kindly responded that "I prefer to speak with a live person, I feel comment lines typically fall on deaf ears."

The operator replied, "Well I'm glad you know it all sir and we don't." and then she hung up on me!

Sad but true story.


If McCarthy had anything to do with this he is a much bigger IDIOT then he looks like on the sidelines! Him and Ted both need to go


New member
worker must have been selling practice video to the bears,vikes,NE !! rodgers leads NFL in sacks, cutler in ints !! lmao! Go Brett


New member
McCarthy can"t even keep track of how many challenges he has left in a game, how can he think he can hear right. Fire Mike, hire the other man back as coach, he can do a better job.