Things are starting to look GOOOOOOOD!


Don't want to be a downer, but I think that was a no-no. Quoting John's rules from the front page of the Discussion board:

<font color="ff0000">Please do not post other forecasts. I realize this is a site that has a lot to do about the weather, but my concern is that a forecast created by someone else will be posted on this site. Then another person(s) will read that forecast and think that because it is on this site, it is my forecast. I have a hard enough time trying to produce an accurate forecast and do not want to have to try and live down someone else's incorrect forecast! So you can post a link to that forecast, but please refrain from giving your own forecast or posting someone else's.</font>


New member
Don't feel bad zim, I thought the same thing - but now we all know "it's ok"

Can someone sum that forecast up in 5 words or less, I lost interest after 2 minutes. I want to hear, "lots of snow and cold"


Well-known member
i thought the same thing too. that guy's forecast used a lot of fancy pancy words i couldn't understand though. john's are easier


Well-known member
i thought the same thing too. that guy's forecast used a lot of fancy pancy words i couldn't understand though. john's are easier to follow


The accuweather link was more of an outlook for the next month or two.

Nothing here to feel bad about. Just everyone waiting for the white gold to fly!!! :)

Oh and need to be spending less time on here and working on taking those 10" carbides off! ;-)


Well-known member
what's wrong with my carbides? i spent less on them than what you did for 6 inchers


Indy, I think mvedepo meant that you should be out on the trail wearing those 10" carbides down a bit. That's a lot of carbide for your 500.

Continue the snow dance everyone!!


I don't think it looked too bad. Looks like according to Johns weather history that other years with this weather pattern still had low 200's in total snow accumulation. Doubt its going to be a record setting year but things may not be as bad as we first thought. Time will tell!


New member
my personal forcast...winter is coming!!

tonights forcast...dark!!!

i love this site...thanks john-you are the greatest!!!


New member
Ouch, 10 inch without studs? I had 8s on a Pol 440 without studs once. On the first ride, I laid that sled on its hood before I knew what happened. The best part was it happened along a trail in a spot where it is immediately adjacent to the highway. More than a few motorists saw it happen and with horns a honkin, I know they laughed harder than I did.

Indy, you will have fun with the big bars!


New member
Things are "Looking" good, but I learned a long time ago that you have to wait until the snow actually hits the ground. LES is really hard to predict, but we are all hoping for the best!
