Things you may hear on the 4th of July.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1. (BLAM) What the heck was that!

2. You kids, don't feed the dog ice cream. He gets the scoots.

3. Somebody run to Walmart, we're out of (fill in the blank)

4. I think you need WAY more lighter fluid on there...

5. M80's? That's all you got?

6. One of them hot dogs fell on the ground, I forgot which one.

7. One of you kids, go get Dad a beer.

8. Whoa, that looks like a short fuse....(BLAM) What the Heck was that!

9. Just park it on the neighbor's yard, they won't care...

10. Hey Dad, the policeman wants to talk with you out front...

Add some of your own and have a safe and fun 4th of July everyone!!



Super Moderator
Staff member
a few more

"Obviously the guy in front of us has never backed a boat and trailer into the water before".

"Does this look like Poison Ivy to you"?

"Yes sir officer, I was just tryin to keep up with the other traffic".


Well-known member
So you been drinking today?step out of the car/boat sir!
sorry park is closed state workers layed why are you working? to protect you from entering the park.


Active member
I don't think that's such a good........nevermind

The meat is supposed to be red in the middle!

Crap! Where's the hose!!!

Of course I'm drinkin'! It's noon somewhere!

Michael!!!! Would you leave your sister alone!!! (today and everyday :) )

Ugh! I think I might be late for work tomorrow....


Active member
I agree but that's something I would say, not hear.

Oh, Thanks to ALL the VETS for giving us the ability to live the way we do!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
"Naw, don't worry about it, all the the neighbors love fireworks going off until 2 A.M." :mad::mad::mad:


Active member
I don't think that's such a good........nevermind

The meat is supposed to be red in the middle!

Crap! Where's the hose!!!

Of course I'm drinkin'! It's noon somewhere!

Michael!!!! Would you leave your sister alone!!! (today and everyday :) )

Ugh! I think I might be late for work tomorrow....

OMG Dave I choked on that one! lol

How about..

Throw more candy!

My child didn't get any candy!

Run under the groomer and get the candy!


New member
I thought I had the emergency brake on when I got out of the truck to launch my boat!!!!

If it's legal to buy fireworks why can't I shoot them off???

I thought no wake meant after dark!!!
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