This means war !!!


I found some stuff to fight the ones in my kids playhouse that is a foaming spray so it prevents them from crawling out. May want to look for that as it worked great!


Super Moderator
Staff member
No doubt a bad year for Bee's. A couple of years ago I walked into our Garden Shed where the Bee's had been building a nest in the rafters. One nailed me in the face between the nose and upper lip, felt like getting hit in the face with a bat. My eyes were watering, nose was running, drooling out of the corner of my mouth...and my wife walks in and says, "Gee Honey, does it hurt?"


But like I said in the earlier post, I've been lucky this year. Got the long pole and a quick retreat planned and I go after them in the morning or early evening. Alcohol is staged for either medicinal purposes or for celebration, whichever is of greater need.


Well-known member
You are on a roll with this thread. :D

Fought a few of those battles lately. The little buggers do tame down a lot as the day wears thin. It matches the timing with self medication. Get them good and get the nest down right after the battle.


on a cold morning they are very sluggish and you can kill them all. Kill a few for me. On the last roof job I got stung 8 time, 6 hornets and 2 wasps over a 4 day period. The wasps hurt less than the hornets,,, IMO


New member

In my humble opinion... I have been a pipehitting hornet killing special OP guy for a while. I hate those things....
Here is my covert action:
1) Wait until night
2) Better if temp drops and at night
3) Arm yourself ( double fisted ) RAID Hornet & WASP killer, that's right 2 cans one in each hand. ( FULL & NEW )
4) Plan evac route ( you know, jump off latter, exit into open car door or similar " safe room ".

Plan out your strike ! Good luck. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds.....

Raid W & H killer comes with a nerve agent, that disorients the central nervous system of the insect until the poison kills them.
Dont waste your money on anything else. You need to escape should full attack be eminent.
I normally will use my vehicle headlights to light up the target area, also use the car /truck as an escape route.
What kind of hornets ( insurgents )are you looking to eradicate ? Ball Face ? They are fierce....


New member
The garden hose works if early in the morning. then stomp them out. The flame thrower stuff such as starting fluid adds to the effect. But I suspect it just dries the buggers off a bit! anyways have fun and never call the professionals in, heck it is just bugs after all!


New member
Do it at night, they don't like to fly in the dark. Have a friend with a VERY good since of humor hold a very power light at least 30 foot from you. Give him the signal to turn on the light, then attack the nest. OH, make sure he is not allergic to the bees/wasps; and the light can take impact.
I've done this a few times with much success for me, not so much for the guy holding the light. I was that guy once, but only once! About 16 stings.


New member
I dealt with the exact same situation a few years back. I even think I posted a pic before I waged war on them little bastards. Only difference I was enjoying a evening in my yard, you know, beer in one hand, dog poop bucket and shovel in the other when I got attacked. Anyways I put on my heavy insulated carhart bibs and jacket, rubber boots, thick gloves, and my helmet. I took duct tape and tape off my sleeves at the gloves and around my ankles at the boots. See I didnt just kill them, oh no. I went and climbed the tree and cut the branch that the hornets nest was hanging from off and lowered it into a old sleeping bag that I then taped closed and then placed in the deep freeze to kill them off. I wanted to save the nest for a conversation piece. The nest was about the size of a basketball. Still have it.... Actually being protected and getting swarmed by hundred of angry hornets was kind of a cool experience!!!! Yah, im kind of creepy like that.....

Happy Hunting


Active member
Superman's office?

Didja ever see one like this?


Clark Kent, where are you?

(Photo by Z-Man, courtesy of Pasty Cam.)
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Mission accomplished !! Total victory is at hand !!! Thanks for all the good advice..... On friday night at 9:30 the covert mission began. Seal team six would be proud !! Under the cover of total darkness except ofr the light of the full moon the attack began. Wearing my heavy snowmobile bibs, jacket, helmet, and gloves.. Sure felt good to have that stuff on again.... I slowly approached the target. Bringing all my assets,..... 5 cans of chemical nerve agent ( raid wasp/hornet killer ) a bottle of gentleman jack and a step ladder i set up about 8 feet from the garage. My buddy and i each took a few good swigs of jack, and i agev the order to have my buddy move to the car pointed at the garage. I climber the ladder and was about 6 feet from the enemy and saw no movement. I raised my arm and gave the order to hit the high beams. Armed wiht a can in each hand i unloaded. I let a stream go directly into the hole never letting up. I soon observed them scrambling to get out and dropping like rocks to the ground. It looked like a waterfall of hornets. I emptied 2 cans, jumped down, re loaded with 2 more cans. As they continued to drop i could not contain my laughter and joy. When they stopped coming out i continued to pour it on. The nest was soaked and dripping like a leaky faucet. Arfter 5 minutes i knocked the nest down and kicked it like a football. Inside where 3 large honey combs filled with hornet larve. I ordered another can of spray and soaked all 3 combs. Then it was over.... Next morning it was a gruesome crime scene. About 250 casualties probably more. They were all black, big wings and some white stripes on there butts. Never have seen hornets like that before. Anyway, payback never felt so good. Best 20 bucks i ever spent !! Lol