Tire gauge - What is everyone using?


I've got two different digital tire gauges (1 craftsman, 1 no-name) and they are about 4 pounds off when checking pressures. The no name is a newer gauge but I tend to trust the Craftsman just because of the name. I'm starting to wonder if they are both off a bit and if I should try a different gauge. Just curious what is everyone else is using and what do you trust?



New member
I have a Milton gauge that is in the air chuck itself. The one good repair shops use. Cost around $30 and been using it since 1978. Get what you pay for.


Well-known member
I am bad I have been using the looks good to me method for about 20 yrs now.some times I get real tech on the deal and hit the tire with the side of my fist when filling.


Well-known member
Most new cars have low tire pressure sensor but I suppose you want to know inflation pressure. I use a gauge I bought at Walmart years ago with huge analog dial & 6" hose. Whenever I use it someone wants one just like it but have not seen at Walmart so auto store probabaly best bet.